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  2. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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  5. Live Spirulina

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  6. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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New website featuring our Fish tanks

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tyler_medeiros, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i was checking that out. NICE setups, i love the looks. now thats gotta take some time to desgin and decorate them. :y_the_best:
  3. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    thanks very much. Me and my girlfriend do put alot of time and effort into the tanks. She mostly designs and tells me where to put the decorations
  4. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    ive got a new site too its fishchatter .com
  5. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Once again thanks for the compliments
    I wouldnt mind seeing other peoples tanks for insparation either so leave me some pictures.
  6. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I just took a peek at it and from the looks of it your website and fish look great, good luck! My favorite is the your 10 gallon play tank. I like that black head in one of the tanks, I wasnted to put bricks in my tank like yourself and t_chelle in my bichir tank, what do you have to do to the brick before you put it in.
  7. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Tyler just did a really good cleaning to it. Of course, with safe stuff... No chemicals. Scrubbed it down, and soaked it good...

    Thanks "Nameless" for the compliment. The 10g is my baby, and I (Amanda--the girlfriend) had to have it perfect... The head my Mom found at Goodwill or something for like 50 cents. Looks pretty good in there.
  8. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    where is everyones pictures. I woould like to see others fish tanks.
  9. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    you have seen my tanks. I finally got my water crystal clear and i can start decorating better. I thought my tank was fine untill i saw urs. they are amazing.

    Ill post pics when the 20g is remade, (will take like a month cuz im changing the gravel, every decoration... alll that)
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Looks very nice.

    I'm working on starting up my webserver again (got tired of the limits on pic hosting sites). When I finish, I'll update my aquarium page.

  11. Mice

    Mice New Member

    those are pretty cool tanks but how do you guys have enough money to buy like 5 tanks that are big and i dont even have room for them! :!:
  12. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    sweet tanks
  13. raghu_gg

    raghu_gg New Member

    Great pictures of tanks
  14. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    We can afford so many tanks because of garage sales!

    Our 25G was $30 with everything included. 90G was $100, 10G was $20 with everything included. We only paid full price ($140-ish) for the 29G from Petcetera.
  15. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

  16. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    great site tchelle
  17. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Well looking at ur tanks, and seeing how good white gravel actually looks, im switching to white. i bought 2 small bags, and buying maybe 1 or 2 more to fill the 20g, it takes alot time, so when its finally finished ill post pics. (Im also ridding of all my decorations and buying new ones, im only leaving the car in there cuz its the convicts cave and id kill me ;) if i took it away :) )
  18. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    That's actually sand in the 5, 10, & 20 gallon (3 has white pearlescent gravel). But yeah, white is nice because it really reflects the light and makes it brighter. The downside is it shows every little bit of waste (probably won't be as bad with gravel).

    LOL. Buddy is the same way with his green jar. It's his security blanket. If he's scared he hides out in there. My dad took care of my fish while I was on vacation and he never saw Buddy outside of his jar.

  19. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Lol, that is so true, my convicts will probaly die from stress if I removed their brick caves or clay pots, they love their caves.

    I have white gravel too, and like chelle said it shows every bit of dirt in there. I don't think I will change mine cause about a week ago I bought theses decorations like look like parts of a reef so now my tank looks like a saltwater tank with freshwater fish. I love it.
  20. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    is my rather boring tanks. But I <3 my fishies anyways.

    Edit: Fixed the link

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