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I am afraid to post, and I wlll be jinxed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    and Jake will take reverse his progress.

    but Jakes mouth ick is barely there, been that way now for about 3 weeks, and this time of year because he is in the pool so much, he gets like a skin yeast infection, it turns him brown and that is looking pretty good, I am hoping this is a positve turn permantly, since he has had this ick for almost 2 years now. :D :D
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :cool_dance: Yay! That's great! We'll all keep our fingers (and toes) crossed for you both!
  3. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I hope your dog gets better with everything!! I love your dancing icon lol it's cute
  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Duke developed a skin infection in the skin folds on his neck below his chin and his Vet said it was caused by moisture that was not dried off completely after a swim. As you well know, with that thick undercoat, a Lab is hard to dry off completely with a towel. Unlike your poor Jake though, Duke's infection cleared up fairly quickly with an antibiotic spray. Now I make sure that area is thoroughly dry after we get back from the park and I even dust on a little talc to make sure the area is completely dry. No problems since.
    Hope Jake stays clear of that ick.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I try to dry him off good when he is done, he lives in our pool now, when he decides to venture out of the air conditioned housem we have been 108 for several days now :( :( now just praying we can get thru the rest of the year without hot spots
  6. zoeysowner

    zoeysowner New Member

    Where are you at? Wow thats hot!

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