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Tiger Cub?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by BentleyBaby, Apr 20, 2004.

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  1. BentleyBaby

    BentleyBaby New Member

    Im new, and even though this is a dog message board, I have nowhere else to post. I own a 4 year old great dane named Bentley. He is a very big boy and lately we have been considering purchasing a companion for him. Well I got word that there is a man who owns a tigress and she is due to have cubs soon. I want one, and if I do purchase it I will be paying close to 2g's for it.

    What are the ups and downs of having a tiger cub? We have a 5 acre field, plenty of indoor outdoor room
  2. catrastrophe

    catrastrophe New Member

    The biggest down is cost of food....I have been told by an exotic animal breeder that a tiger cub costs around $6000 a year to feed correctly. Also, you can purchase a tiger cub, a well socialized one from a proffesional, or a trained adult, for $800-$1200....a lot less than $2000. Do the breeders have the correct lisensing? How will they raise the cub? Do you think you can handle a 500 lb plus animal living in your yard? Have you gotten lisensed? Those are some questions I would ask or think about...a critter that big, and carnivious to boot, can be hard to handle! If you wanted an exotic cat, a servel, bobcat, or canadian lynx would cost you the same, but would be easier on a first time exotic owner, and they are a lot smaller. :)
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Ok this may sound stupid but...why not just get another dog?

    You said you want a companion for your dog but for what reason? So he won't be lonely when you're not home? Honestly I don't think you want to leave your dog alone with a tiger.

    catrastrophe's questions are very important. I would also check out the conditions the mothers being kept in first and find out if there are an special licening requrements to own a tiger before making any decisions.

    There's also the issue of building an outdoor enclosure for it when it gets large. Don't think you'd want a 500lb cat living in your house.

    I also have an issue with the post about your sd. If he wants to fight your pit bull now, what do you think he'll do when he finds out you have a tiger?

    Just somethings to think about.
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I agree with Aqueous 100%. I have just put up another post on the Pit board over your situation, and i don't think a tiger cub is the way to go. Especially you not living at home as it is. Does your pit not get along with your Dane, or do you have to keep it locked up because of your sd?

    I would suggest holding off on getting any animal until you are all done school and back at home on a full time basis. many dogs don't nee dthe companionship of a dog, just thier owner. Try excerising him a bit more, and if your mother is home during the day, maybe she can help with this.

    Sorry its not the help you were looking for , just some advice on your situation so far.
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Just a thought here, I am not bashing you just want you to really think about this. Tigers are wild animals, they will always be wild. I would not want to take the risk of a 500lb animal that could seriously do some harm to you or your animals. Even when playing they can seriously hurt someone with out meaning too. Look at Roy Horn, he has raised these animals for years and still got seriously injured by one. Best of luck in whatever you decide but please seriously consider what you are taking on.
  6. moose

    moose New Member

    am i understanding this correctly?? is this person seriously considering purchasing a TIGER????? like, "hi, i have lots of stripes and really sharp teeth; i'm a tiger" TIGER??? you've got to be kidding me! where is this legal? and if so, does anyone agree with me that this is horrible?!
  7. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Tigers are dangerous animals. I would highly reconsider this considering you're still young and live with your folks. What would you do when you move out? Have you thougth about how to take care of a tiger? Can you take it to the vet you use for your dogs? When it gets big how will you get it there?

    You talked in the other forum about money being an issue. You can't afford to move out of your mom's house, yet you want to lay down two grand on a tiger? The following is a summary of the cost of owning a big cat, from this website: http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=exoticpets&zu=http://www.bigcatrescue.org/buy_a_big_cat.htm, which has more details about how those costs break down.

    To sum it all up, you can expect to invest almost $22,000.00 your first year into owning a small to mid size wild cat and your annual expenses will cost you around $2300.00. If you want the big cat experience, the set up cost is over $94,000.00 and the annual care is over $8000.00 IF you have no emergencies and no one gets hurt and sues you for millions of dollars. Everything has a price and this is the price of doing right by the animal. Are you really prepared?

    This link has some requierments for ownership of exotic cats: http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/XJ&sdn=exoticpets&zu=http://www.wildaboutcats.org/require.htm
    Here are some more links.


    http://exoticpets.about.com/cs/bigcats/ ... aspets.htm
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    CAUGHT!!! give it up already bentley!
  9. catrastrophe

    catrastrophe New Member

    Goodness its even more expensive than I thought it was!
  10. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Please ignore this thread. BentleyBaby appears to be just a troll with many creative stories up his/her’s sleeves.

    BentleyBaby your account has been disabled. Please refrain from posting here.

    Thread is now closed.
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