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Cat pukes after eating....ewww help!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by RomeoAndLexi, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. RomeoAndLexi

    RomeoAndLexi New Member

    Need help...our cat barfs :-& after she eats sometimes. What would cause this? What can we do to stop this?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    LOL I just cleaned up a puke fest. Missy ate her fill, backed up and spilled nearly an entire can of Fancy Feast on the floor GROSS
    cats puke...and I swear they enjoy it. Not much you can do unless your cat is eating too much too fast, then you can offer a little bit and see if your cat hangs onto it before giving more
  3. RomeoAndLexi

    RomeoAndLexi New Member

    Thanks! We've been trying it. seems to help. anyone else have ideas?
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    How often does this happen? Does she eat the same food everyday, dry or canned? Does she seem to gulp down her food?

    Tiddy has puked a few times after gulping down his food too quickly.
  5. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    Yes, my Missy throws hers up too on occasion. Probably from gulping.

    I try to only feed her half at a time and (this sounds weird but it works) since I feed her in a little spot in front of the fridge, I open the fridge door every few minutes which makes her stop gulping for a moment. It's probably annoying to her but hey...ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. :mrgreen:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Yep, Pumpkin gulps her food all the time and will upchuck 1-2x a week. She's a real joy! :mrgreen: Our other kitties will do the same if they get too excited if they see bunnies and other kitties through the windows. :roll: See if you can buy foods that come in smaller chunks.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    nearly forgot a trick many of the fosters use
    a golf ball in their dry food - having to get food around a golf ball makes them have to slow down to eat
  8. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    yup my romeo is the same way...he eats like someone is gonna take it away from him...and pukes all the time..at least 1-3 times a week..
  9. RomeoAndLexi

    RomeoAndLexi New Member

    Yeah, she eat's dry food and seems to rush it when she eats. thanks for all you're advice everyone! I'm going to limit her food and try the golf ball thing. :) Thanks again
  10. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My cat eats soo much soo fast & tehn drinks water- that its like Rejectile vomiting in my kitchen at least once sa week...but you can tell its mostly water-mixed w/ food...he drinks too much!! (He's a diabetic though- too)
    Good luck w/ your cat- just watch how much she eats/drinks....maybe she is just eating too much too fast?!! Hope she gets better!! :)

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