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My cat is dying

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by mbfsmokey, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. mbfsmokey

    mbfsmokey New Member


    I was one of those people that often wondered why people would get so attached to there pets and why they could get so heart broken when they loose there best friend, well I don't have to wonder no more I recently bought a cat at a local shelter and thought I was doing a good thing smokey was about 10 weeks old or so i took him home and he began to grow attached to me and we became real close he even acted like me in some ways . He became sick about 1 month ago and I thought nothing of it I took him to the vet and he told me he has days to live he has (fip) feline infectious peritonitis none cureable . My heart sank to the floor and I cried all night watching him in pain he will not eat he will not sleep and it's killing me I have never been so close to something in all my life why me and why did it happen to him he is 1 year old I just celebrated him birthday . I'm so lost for words I just wonder why why him my baby boy ........
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry about your kitty. Our kitties can become like family members. Take care. :cry:
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I am so sorry....this is such a nasty disease for cat with no cure in sight. My Tilly was diagnosed with the dry form of FIP this spring - I got a 2nd opinion and the first was wrong. And all I can say is I know where you're at right now. It's a nasty thing.
    I foster for a cat rescue and one of the fosters in another state recently adopted a snowshoe cat. Within a month the cat had to be PTS due to FIP. She showed no symptons at all and then boom...
    I am so sorry..
  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i am so sorry to hear about ur baby... hes lucky to have you..i know how it feels i have lost 4 cats since 02 and im still trying to recover.. its hard its really hard...its breaks my heart to hear about someones beloved animal pass so my prayers are with you and ur baby boy...
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hello and welcome to Auspet. I am so sorry about your kitty. :cry: I agree with Mary_NH about getting a second opinion. Once that is done and it's determined that he has F.I.P. and nothing can be done and he is suffering, I would have a kind vet come over to your home and have him put to sleep. That way he goes in peace in the comfort of his own home with people like you that love him. Again, I am very sorry. Let us know how your kitty is doing and if you were able to get a second opinion. Take care.
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry :cry:
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry about your kitty. :cry: *HUGS*
  8. yogi

    yogi New Member

    it is truly sad

    when these events happen. In turn take solice that at least the cat had time with you and that you cared enough to adopt the little one. You never lose memories of the time you two have spent and they will remain in you heart forever.
  9. kismet

    kismet New Member

    mbfsmokey: check your pm box for a pm from me(I always wonder if new members realize that there is such a thing on this site )
    Did you receive it? Please pm me back if you didn't.
  10. 5kittys

    5kittys New Member

    I am so sorry

    These little furballs grow on you, as you can already see with your little one. I have 5 cats, never thought I would go there, lol. But to lose any of them would absolutely be traumatic. They become your best friends, unconditional love, abounding. Hopefully, its not what was diagnosed, and a second opinion may be in yours and your kittys best interest. Good luck and love with your little guy. :m4:
  11. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    My heart just about stops whenever I see that someone's precious kitty is *gulp* dying. :cry:

    I'm so sorry that this had to happen, just doesn't seem fair. A loooong time ago, I picked up a little stray kitten and fell in love with it after the first few days. One day, it just up and died on me. I didn't even know it was sick. I grieved for it for a long time and then I went out and got my Rowdy who I got to love for a good 15 years until he died.

    At least you know that you can love that much and I bet that you can do it again. Not that it makes the pain any less for you now but one day, it just might fill your heart with that same kind of love again.

    Try not to give up hope of ever feeling that kind of love again. You can. Be glad that you got the chance to know him and care for him. I can only hope that one day, they'll find a cure for such a dreadful disease.

    Again, I'm so very sorry. Hang in there.

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