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Brushing Puppies Teeth - Tooth Came Out

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by gucci's mum, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. gucci's mum

    gucci's mum New Member

    I was brushing my Gucci's teeth when I noticed that there was blood on the brush and one of her teeth had come out. I wasn't brushing hard at all and she wasn't really struggling against the brush. My girl is a purebred Tibetan Spaniel and is just coming up to Five Months old. Is this normal for her age or should I be worried about her tooth coming out. She has definately been teething as she is chewing a lot of her toys (and occasionally my fingers!!) but I have been giving her puppy teething bones as well. Can someone please let me know if it is normal for her teeth to come out as I am a little concerned.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, this is normal! Dogs lose all of their puppy teeth between the ages of 3-6 months (I think) and get their permanent teeth in. A lot of times the dog ends up swallowing the teeth as they fall out, so the humans usually don't find the teeth.
  3. gucci's mum

    gucci's mum New Member

    Thank you very much

    Thanks for that info. I'm a lot more confident now. It looks like her tooth has already started growing back now so that's a relief!!!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well, it's not actually "growing back." That's the permanent tooth growing in. Dogs have a set of baby teeth and a set of permanent teeth, just like humans.
  5. gucci's mum

    gucci's mum New Member

    Oh yeah that's right

    Yeah that's what I meant it just came out wrong!!!

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