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Help! Pomapoo hates taking walks!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by robina, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. robina

    robina New Member


    I'm new here, but I have a problem I need help with . My 3 month old Pomapoo is very smart and sweet, but he hates going for walks! He tries to jump in my arms to be carried. He won't lay down and refuse to go anywhere, he just jumps up my leg and whines. If we drive somewhere to go for a walk, every time he sees a white car (like ours) he trys to run to it, and begs to be driven home! We both need the exercise! Please help!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    With some practice I think he will become more confident and may actually start to enjoy the walks. When he whines and jumps up just keep walking...do not try to comfort him with petting or words or especially by picking him up. Start with short, frequent walks in the begining so that you don't overwhelm him.
  3. robina

    robina New Member

    Thank you! That helps alot! very reassuring!
  4. gucci's mum

    gucci's mum New Member

    Another idea that worked for me

    When Gucci was first going for wlks she hated walking on a normal lead attached to her collar she would refuse to move and I didn't want to drag on the ground (obviously!!) I bought a harness that goes under legs and body and she now has no choice but to walk as instead of the harness pulling on her neck it moves her legs forward. Of course she still gets tired cos she has tiny little legs (lol) but she loves her walks a lot more now and loves getting the harness on. It's something to think about anyway.

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