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Help me name my puppy plz!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    My girl puppy still doesn't have a name. It's shameful. She's about 12 wks and a big girl (she is now a whopping 40 lbs - gained 20 this month!). She's really sweet, real playful, likes to jump on everything, but also kinda shy with strangers. Nothing I've come up with has really stuck. I hate girl names - boys I can do but girls....ugh. I want something unique but not stupid or cutesie but not too unique that no one can pronounce it. I'm real picky which I guess is the problem. But I'm going to be saying this name everyday for many years to come so I wanna like it.

    I just feel bad b/c she had to go get more puppy shots today and I had to tell the vet her name is still TBA. lol.
  2. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    "shameful", sounds like a great name. See you already picked it out.
  3. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I think its great that you are taking your time picking out the perfect name for your dog.
    Hey we have 9 months to decide with out children, why do we need to put a time limit on our canine kids??

    Anyway, I hope this site will be helpful to you.
    I use it ALL THE TIME with great luck, I do rescue and need to find new names all the time. I hate recycled names, At one shelter I volunteer with they recycle names all the time!! It drives me crazy!

    I try to pick out a new name each time!


    I just picked out a name about 1 month ago for a dog I am training/placing and since she is a blond haired dog and its the summer time, I picked out "Daytona Blond" LOL. I call her Dayna for short.

    Take your time, you will know when you have your finger on the proper name for your baby.

    Good luck,
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    how about cowgirl (hehe and indy, get it?) just kidding
    what about anabelle? eve/a? trixie?how about a saint or martyr name? i look some up when I get home tonight, i love thinking of new names!
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    My first rule in naming a dog is to select a name that you won't be embarrassed to holler out in public. Freckles was named by the staff at the Vets office where he was abandoned so I did not want to add to his trauma by re-naming him and the name stuck. Now I couldn't think of any other better name for him though when I'm at the dog park I holler "SPECK" and he comes running, or I can just holler "Duke" and both come running. :D

    I have never had a female but if I ever do get a sweet girl I think I would call her either Belle or Bella.

    Let us know what you decide on.
  6. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    My co-workers has a cat named Puzzles. I think that is such a unique name :)
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    *gets out my list of names*

    Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-lee)

    I always have a hard time picking a name. It's very important!
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    My neighbours used to have a St. Bernard names Brandy, but I guess there are probably a million of them out there with that name.

    A co-workers friend has a JRT named "D.O.G."

    I personally like Calamity.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Calamity is a great name! If Nala was a boy, I'd name her Hoover. She hoovered up my daughter's corndog - stick and all - last night. It was my daughter's fault for leaving it untended, of course. :)
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I like Bailey, Riley, whitney, what is it with these ey names and me! I do like Grace and mags short for maggie and bella, taz

    LOL, when we got Jake we didnt have a name after 3 days, and I said he think his name is going to be baddog, so we came up with Jake.

    As for Wylie, everyone thinks she is a boy with her name, but she was a stray and our first thougght was she was a coyote so we name her wylie coyote
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If Nala was a boy, I would DEFINITELY have considered Loki - Norse god of mischief. Actually, I think it sounds fine for a girl, now that I think about it...
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    What about Digby? I remember a movie years ago called Digby, it was about this giant dog (I think it was an old English Sheepdog....cant remember) but I thought it was a cool name....I had a 'toy' dog when I was kid (a real toy....not a miniature live dog) named Digby-Martha.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could always name her something like "Tiny" or "Ladybug" (Bug for short) as a joking reference to her size.
  14. lil96

    lil96 New Member

  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    how about Daisey? I now remember a show that was on I think in the 60s, it was balck and white and they had a dog named daisey, its was either a st bernard or a sheepdog

    oh and I like zoey too
  16. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    If she is a bit timid or shy, how about Shiloh. (Or even spelled Shylow.)

    I ended up calling my dog Lacie but I also had Jazmin and Diamond picked out for her.

    Best of luck in what ever you end up calling her. Keep us posted.
  17. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Delauk, I think I am getting my shows mixed up, was it Digby who was in please dont eat thh daiseys? I was thinking the dog was name daisey and I just remembered the name of the show
  18. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I can hardly even remember the show, I just remember a guy standing next to this 40 foot dog......(slight exaggeration there maybe....I was a bit smaller then myself so the dog may have just looked bigger) :lol:
  19. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I agree with Dukesdad. You don't want to holler something stupid. I know someone who named their dog Useless. He regretted it when she got out and he had to go looking for her.

    Brie was already named when I got her, but I think she thinks her name is Aubrey because I say "awe Brie, you peed on the floor again". And Zoey thinks her first name is damnit. But seriously I like people names for my animals. But I think I would probably name a big dog like that Tiny or Mitzy just to be ironic!
  20. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Wow. Lots of suggestions. Calamity...I kinda like that. Calamity Jane and Indiana Jones - that works. I'm gonna try that out and see. Loki could work too. God of mischief - it fits.

    Mypettherapydog - Thanks for that site. Some of those names were too funny. Tommy Holedigger. lol. I also liked asker. What's your dogs name? Asker. lol.

    lil - If I name her after a saint, I'd have to go with Dympna. Patroness of the insane. :)

    This is difficult.

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