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need help on house-breaking my new puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ilovemycockatiels, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    Hi everyone, I just got a new purebred Australian Shepherd puppy yesterday and I want everyones opinions on house training her. she peed once in the night which I kind of understand cuz no one was up to let her out, but a little bit ago I had her outside for like 20 mins and then I brought her in and was in for less than 2 mins literally! and she started peeing. I don't get it cuz we were just outside and she didn't go outside. Well can everyone tell me their opinion on the best method to use when potty training a puppy. She will be 3 months old tomorrow. (7/29) She is the cutest thing and I will have her on dogster asap and will post the link so I can show her off, she is beautiful. Thanks in advance.

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Take her out about every 2 hours, take some tasty pieces of treats, like chicken or beef (just very small bites) when your outside tell her something like "go potty" as shes finishing and before she completely standing again give her the treat, tell her "good potty" and give her a lot of prasie, sometimes dogs just have too much to do outside, so many scents, bugs, noises etc that distract them, they forget what theyve come outside for, go back inside ....and suddenly remember!!

    If you catch your pup starting to go inside, a stern "NO" then straight outside and stay out until the pups has done what it needs to do....keeping in mind by the time the pup gets outside....theres other things to do again so be patient, treats and prasie every time the pup goes (I had one dog so 'conditioned' to the words "go potty" that even if he didnt need to go he would still 'assume the position' :shock:

    Dont reprimand the pup in any way if she has already gone inside, if you dont catch her in the act she wont understand what shes done wrong, she wont make the connection so itll just confuse her.

    Are you using a crate?
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here is one of my previous posts about crate training:

    Your puppy probably has no idea that going outside means she should go potty. She just goes whenever she has to go! You are the one who has to teach her that outside is where she goes. You MUST watch her ALL THE TIME and don't allow her to make mistakes. It is much easier to do this for a few months than to try to fix things when she is regularly peeing on the carpet.

    Oh, and another thing I did with my dogs. If she likes to be outside, then DON'T make her immediately go inside as soon as she pees. This might make her associate peeing with the end of fun outside time. Let her play - even for just a minute - after she pees and THEN bring her in. This way she's more likely to pee quickly when she gets outside, which can be very handy. :)

    Good luck, and let us know if you are still having problems!
  4. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I haven't made any progress with house training my puppy. I know it has only been a day or two but I don't understand her, we will take her outside for like 15-20 mins and then as soon as she comes in she pees. She acts like she knows not to poop in the house, she never has but the peeing thing, I don't get it. I could understand what you are saying about them getting distracted by bugs and stuff but she isn't distracted outside at all, she just thinks we went out there to lay down and sun bathe I guess cuz she flops down in the grass and then for some odd reason we get in the house for not even a min literally and she pees on the carpet. I just don't get it :x

  5. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    We hung bells from the front door and whenever we took Lucy outside, we would pick up her paw and ring the bells with it before we opened the door. Then once we were outside and she went potty, we PRAISED her like crazy and gave her a small treat. It takes a lot of patience! It's not uncommon for the puppy to be outside and then potty when she comes inside. They just don't understand where they are allowed to potty and not potty. Stay outside for as long as possible until your puppy goes potty. Once she goes potty a few times outside and see that is makes you very happy and she gets a treat, then she will probably catch on. Also say "Go potty" every few minutes while you are outside. When she finally goes potty say "Good potty!!!!!! Good potty!!!" so she can start to learn that command. The bells is a great tool....this way your puppy can let you know when she needs to go outside. Good luck and give it some time.
  6. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Also when you catch her in the act of peeing inside, say "NO!" or "Uh-uh!!" and clap your hands, so you will startle her and she will stop peeing. Then immediately pick her up and take her outside. Then say "Go potty" and be very encouraging about it.
    If she has already finished peeing before you see it, then there is nothing you can do. he won't remember she went potty and won't understand why you are mad at her.

    Good luck! It takes some time so try to stay positive with her. Positive reinforcement really works!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Are you using a crate? Something you could try is if she doesn't go outside, pop her in the crate when you bring her back in. Leave her in there for 10-15 minutes and then bring her back outside. Don't even let her feet touch the floor. Pick her up straight from the crate and carry her outside. Keep repeating this until she finally pees outside and then treat her a LOT! Putting a command to the act should also help a lot.

    Do NOT let her pee inside!! You *know* she is going to do it when you go inside, so if you don't put her in the crate be ready to grab her, rush her outside, and let her finish on the grass and praise her. Right now, she thinks that carpet is the place to go. She has no idea that you are standing outside so she can go potty.

    Do you have her on a leash when you go outside? Sometimes it helps if you keep her on a short leash until she goes, so it is pretty boring for her until she does what she is supposed to. Then when she pees, celebrate and let her off the leash (if you have a fence) and play with her for a minute or so and then bring her back inside.

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