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Finding the right Breed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by tgiles91, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. tgiles91

    tgiles91 New Member

    I am looking for the perfect breed. The type of breed I am looking for is something that hits right below the waist or mid thigh. Short haired Light shedding or non at all. If you can give me the names of a couple of breeds to research, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    Rotties can be between waist and knee height depending on how they were bred
    German Shorthair Pointers
    Labrador Retriever
    Poodle... ugh I don't like poodles lol but they never shed :)

    you can go to http://www.akc.org and browse through the breeds or even go to a shelter to find a perfect dog if you want a mixed breed but if u are lucky they might have purebreds. I hope I helped you out a little :D

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Standard Poodle.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Dalmations, Rotties and a lot of Labs are notorious shedders. There's also a lot of unstable temperments and deafness in Dalmations.

    Standard Poodles actually do shed, but not in your house. The coat sheds into itself, requiring a LOT of grooming or they mat up something awful. Many people find the solution to that problem is to keep the dogs clipped in one of the shorter styles, and have them clipped every 6-8 weeks. On the other hand, they seem to have nice temperments as a rule, and they're really smart and easy to train.

    Dobermans shed, but their coat is so short and tight the shed hair isn't as noticable as some of the other breeds. Research lines for temperment and health issues.

    You might also look into Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Mountain Curs, Fox Hounds, and any of the many coonhound breeds.

    And always keep in mind there's really no such thing as the perfect breed or perfect dog. They all have their faults and flaws.
  5. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I thought about listing a Rhodesian Ridgeback but can't they get pretty big? What I meant by the perfect dog is one that will fit his life style and what he wants, I know no-one is perfect, dog or human. I thought poodles didn't shed at all...? hmm I guess whoever told me that was wrong. it all depends how often the owner grooms/trims them.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What about a Great Dane?
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    second the great dane or a greyahound, I dont think they shed much and there are so many that need homes.
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Rhodies don't get as large as a Great Dane. The would be more the size of a Rottie.

    As a groomer, I can assure ALL dogs shed. Even the so-called hairless breeds have some hair, and it sheds. You just don't have much of it to find floating around the house. Hair grows for a specific amount of time. When it matures it falls out, and after a short rest, a new hair is formed and starts to grow to replace the shed hair.

    The reason Poodles and some of the terriers are said to be non-shedding is because when the hair sheds it is caught in the hair that is still growing. That's what causes all those horrid mats. The dead hair stays on the dog, rather than being 'shed' on the furniture.

    Great Danes, like all of the giant breeds, have one major drawback. Their lifespan is relatively short. An 8 year old Lab is middle aged. An 8 year old Great Dane is geriatric if it's even still alive.
  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    This is true. :cry: For most at least. We had one St. Bernard who lived to be 12, but then we had to put him to sleep b/c of hip dysplasia. That is major drawback number 2.
  10. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    First of all before I can answer that question.... answer me this.... How tall are you? :p and How many inches till you get to your waist hight?
  11. Jas

    Jas New Member

    While ridgebacks are a great breed ;-) they are not right for everybody, especially a first time dog owner. Anyone considering one of these hounds make sure you are well informed about breed characteristics and "hound" tendencies. They can be demanding, strong willed, and are independent often with chasing instincts. They love fast moving critters (did someone say "bunny bunny") and once on the chase will not come back when called (unless of course you have one of those exceptional RRs) until after the hunt. Probably #1 (or top of the list) cause of death is getting hit by a car - are usually so focused on the chase they are ignorant of their surroundings be it a road or a barbwire fence etc.. Must be an integral part of the family, do not fair well left outdoors, in kennels and can become destructive (as with many breeds) if bored! Need plenty of exercise. Not goldens in a short coat, and generally do not like repetitive tedious tasks. Will not play or retrieve balls the same way a lab will, they do love to steal other dogs toys and enjoy being chased! They do shed although having shorthair makes it seem less.

    Love 'em to bits though as they are loyal, magnificent, intelligent gorgeous and superb companions. Then again I am biased ;-) ;-)

    Tell us about yourself, lifestyle, a typical day, and more of what you want in a dog. May help narrow down some of your choices.

    Cheers :),
  12. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    What Jas said is SO TRUE. It isn't so much size, hair coat, etc. as the temperament that get people in trouble when looking for the "perfect dog." If you prefer a quiet, laid back, mellow dog that will lay at your feet than a sporting breed would not be right for you. If you want a very active, energetic, playful dog than an English Mastiff would not be a good choice. Each breed has been bred especially for a purpose, and you have to decide if a particular breed fits into your lifestyle. This is the number one reason people acquire a dog, and then get rid of it. They didn't research before buying or adopting! Its not the dog's fault if his temperament doesn't suit you. Let us know what you are looking for specifically in a dog, and we'll try to help you out as far as temperament goes. As far as hair, long coats take a lot of grooming and maintenance. If you aren't up to that commitment, a short haired breed would suit you better. I have a Boxer and a Great Dane, and you almost wouldn't know they have any hair because they have such short coats that shed very little. My Pug, however, is a different story! Her hair is EVERYWHERE. So just because a breed has short hair doesn't necessarily mean there will be no shedding! There are SO MANY factors to consider when making such an important decision as getting a dog. I had an English Pointer once who shed very little, was very quiet and mild mannered (unlike most Pointers) and was a joy to have around. He would have made a wonderful pet for just about anyone. So there are always exceptions. Just be sure you know what you are getting into, and don't be in a rush to make a decision.


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