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Lethargic Kitty.....and really young

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by thebeav_1010, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. thebeav_1010

    thebeav_1010 New Member

    I found a little kitty in my backyard, and it seems as though it was abandaned. I've read everything there is to read online about taking care of an abandaned kitten. But I'm really worried because my little kitty is very lethargic. It would sleep most of the day. And it is hard for her to suckle on the bottle I have for her. I'm feeding her cat milk and everything and I kind of have to force it in her mouth.

    I think she's dehydrated because I did the "skin pinch" thing. I don't know if its okay to give her some cold water or anything.

    Oh and what also worries me is that she hadnt really crapped yet. Its been like 2 or 3 days. Im really worried. And I think the last time I saw her crap...it was diyareah.

    Anyway If anyone has any advice I would appricate it. I've spent a lot of time caring for her and I don't want her to die. Thanks
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Do you have any idea how old the kitty is? Are the eyes open? Is it attempting to walk around on all fours or still crawling?

    To be honest I think you need to get the kitten to the vet ASAP, dehydration can be fatal if not taken care of, keep in mind it may also be sick additionally to the dehydration. Body temperature may also be a factor.

    Under about 2 weeks (could be a few days off there) of age they need to be stimulated to pee and poop. Im assuming its under 4 weeks as your giving it formula, it should be feeding about 2-4 hours.
  3. thebeav_1010

    thebeav_1010 New Member

    Yey it finally pooped!! I dunno how old it is....about like 2 or 4 weeks. It has it's eye's open though.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats good, I still think if its dehydrated you should take it to the vet, they open their eyes at around 10 days and it needs to gain approximately 10% body weight daily....for example if it weighs 100g today it should weigh 110 grams tomorrow then 121grams...etc easiest way to is to weigh it on a kitchen scale if you have one. Also make sure its body temperatire doesnt get cold.
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I agree that the best thing would be to take the little cutie to a Vet to have him or her checked out. The Vet can give you suggestions on how to take care of it.

    Dehydration in a kitty is not good. If a kitty is not eating or drinking, they can go downhill very fast. The Vet can give the kitty fluids to help replenish it.

    Are you going to keep it?
  6. thebeav_1010

    thebeav_1010 New Member

    It's dead
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it's really difficult raising kittens that young especially if they are ill. If you run into the again the best thing to do is get to a vet quickly and let them take over. It's a lot of work - round the clock feedings, stimulating for bodily waste removal functions.
    It's nice you tried with this little baby and sad it died....but at least she didn't die all alone outside. She was with someone who cared and tried to help
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry! :cry:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry. :cry: You did the best you could. I lost a little orphan kitten too last year. I did everything by the back and she still didn't make it. They usually don't make it if they have congenital problems. :(

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