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New peekepoo owner ovah here

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pekepoo4u, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. pekepoo4u

    pekepoo4u New Member

    Hello all. My wife and I have just become the adoptive parents of Sescie, a 4.5 month old female pekepoo. This is our first dog and is becoming quite a learning experience for the 2 of us. She is mostly housebroken (one accident a week or so) and is crate trained as well. I would be curious to know if there are any good pekepoo specific websites out there that could assist with obediance training and the like. I suspect we may seek out a local trainer for assistance, but would also like to do a little research on our own. Thanks in advance.

    PS..be gentle..we are new at this!
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    welcome! , congrats on your new cutey when are you going to show us pics. I don't know any peek a poo specific sites, but there are many people here who know alot about obdience.
  3. pekepoo4u

    pekepoo4u New Member

    Thanks for your fast response. I guess it's asking a bit too much for a pekepoo (peekapoo..not sure which is the correct spelling) site, but I thought I would ask. I'm sure I will find plenty of useful information on this forum. As far as her pic, I need to find a suitable place to upload it first.
  4. lilcreaky

    lilcreaky New Member

    New Peek-a-Poo Owner Idea


    I'm brand new here too, but your post just caught my eye. I have a 15 mo. old Tzu/Peke. When I got her at 6 weeks old the breeder suggested that I get books on both the Pekenese and Shih Tzu breeds. I found them very herlpful as she has traits of both of the breeds. So I have also applied that to forums I join, such as this one, which is just what we need for our little cross breeds. Good luck with your puppy. I'm sure you will be as happy as I am with my little girl.

  5. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    Hi Pekepoo--I've been looking for a pekepoo-specific site for months and I don't think one exists. I'm a pekepoo (you're right, there are many different spellings!) mom since February--Toby's 7 months old now (born Christmas eve) and the best dog ever (at least in our eyes!). Glad to meet you!

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