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some people think im crazy what do yall think?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok we might be leaving florida :cry: :shock: and moving to north carolina :? :lol: i kinda have mixed feelings bout it but.. my brother just moved to kentucky and i wanna be closer to him and his wife and kids but i also LOVE florida...but anways i also love the country to soooo...and im happy that we would have at least 5 acres so i would be able to let my cats out to run and not worry bout them getting ran over, just wildlife, but then again the lands cleared and i would also be able to get a big dog.. i miss my old baby dixie... and we dont have enough room 4 a big dog here... anyways i better get to subject b4 i keep on :oops: ...ok here it goes... the house we live in now ive lived in since i was born, 21 long years :oops: and kinda have, like a pet cemetery in the back yard.... we have jason the cat i had since i was bout 4 years old that died in "02" buried back there then theres pumpkin, sassy, spunky, boogie, etc.. sooo my biggest thing is i cant stand the fact that if we leave then we sell this house and someone else moves in and might dig up my babies or better yet just leaving them behind... i know it sounds dumb and ive been told that many of times but it just feels weird, i know that their lil souls are not there anymore and its just their body but still....i feel dumb even bringing this up but its really buggin me to the point where i dont wanna move... anyone ever went though this??? i guess it feels like leaving means i have to let them go type thing.. even though i will never forget them and no matter what they will always be w/ me but thats the way it feels...am i crazy????my dad thinks im nutts!!! :oops: :? :cry:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't think your crazy at all. Although I have not been in this situation I think I would feel the same way you do.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You're not crazy. We're planning on selling our house in a couple years and we just recently buried Chester (20) and Lizzy (17) in our back yard. It's going to feel weird leaving them behind but when we buried them, we made each a very nice coffin and put a couple pictures in plastic bags in with them. So if someone does happen to unearth them, hopefully they'll see how loved they were and leave them alone.

    Plus we planted a rose bush there which should be nice, big, and throny by the time we sell so if anyone tries messing around there, they'll get what they deserve. [​IMG]

  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well now i dont feel that bad!!!! my babies are in boxes that are boards but i didnt put any pix in.. i wish i would have..to late now.. but they have lil crosses on top of their graves w/ their names birthdays and the day they passed.. which im sure whoever moves in here probably wont keep them there.. but they also have like lil white picket fences around them (the kind u get 4 gardens) w/ vines that have purple flowers growing around the fence.. for jason i wanted a rose bush plated on his but where hes at its real shady and roses will not grow there sooo...i wish i coul find a nice prickly bush to plant on top :lol: but cant find any that will grow in the shade... jason loved roses my brother used to make fun of him saying he liked to smell the roses!!!! :oops:
  5. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    I don't think you're crazy at all! When my Rowdy died, that's one of the first things I thought about. That's one of the things that made us go with cremation. I never even fathomed having anyone or anything cremated before but I knew we would leave this house one day and I couldn't bear to leave him behind.

    Not much you can do now after the fact but if it were me, I guess I'd just try to think about his soul not really being there in the ground, only the body.

    Hell, I even talked about digging him up when we left if we had buried him and my husband looked at me like I was the craziest person on earth. Nah, I wouldn't have really dug him up like that but the thought crossed my mind. Grief makes you think strange things, what can I say. :oops:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    The same thoughts crossed our minds. We buried Vene in our backyard and we talked about it many times regarding moving her or not should we ever move. We would definitely dig her out and take her with us although there might not be much left since we buried her "as is." Hubby wanted to check for a few times now and see if her bones were still there. :shock:
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    :cry: gosh that makes me feel better.. that thought has crossed my mind, bout diggin them up but....but then i was like no i dont wanna do that but then again i was like man i really dont wanna leave them either... when jason died i wanted to have him creamated but i didnt have the money sooo....and i totally regret it now.... and sassy and spunky didnt get a box like the others did b/c of how they died, we really didnt have time to make a box 4 them and that makes me feel horrible.. :m13: :m35:

    but i have sworn that no matter what when my other babies pass (man i hate to think that) i will have them creamated...

    but now my dad is talking about that if we do move then he wants to keep this house that way we can come here to vacation and not have to worry bout motels...i was sooo happy when i heard that but then my mom dont want to soooo i dunno what will happen....

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