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My Step Father Wants To Fight My Pit!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by BentleyBaby, Apr 20, 2004.

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  1. BentleyBaby

    BentleyBaby New Member

    I have a 4 year old Great Dane, and I also have a 3 year old Red Nosed Pit Bull male (80 pounds, all muscle). He is a very protective dog, but very good with me. Well the BIG problem is that my sd wants to fight him! He is part of an underground fighting ring, and when he found out that my dog has Sheila lines (big fighter here) he said he wanted to fight him!

    I dont know what to do, moving out is out of the question (Im in college and I have no money to live on campus) What can I do, im scared I will come home one day and find him gone, or worse yet come home and find him all bloody from a planned fight. He is dog agressive to dogs he doesnt know, help!!
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Bentley, the first thing you need to do is make sure your dog is protected. If you are not there to make sure your stepdad won't fight your dog, I woudl temporatily rehome him with friends. If that isn't an option, you can call many Pit Bull rescues, they have foster homes and may be able to foster him until you are ready to care for him full time.
    Does your stepdad live with the dogs? I assume they are at your mothers house. How does your mother feel about this sadistic ritual? Did you know that 99% of the time people are animal abusers, they are also physically violent with their partner/spouse? Maybe you should have a real good talk with your stepdad.

    If you have any names and addresses of where these fights take place, you should call your local animal control, as well as the police. Usually when these rings are busted, there is a lot more to them than just dog fighting. I am not sure how you feel about your stepdad, but I personally would have no problem turning in an animal abuser, regardless of my relationship with them. You obviously care very much for your dog, or else you would not have come here looking for advice.

    I am truly sorry your step father feels this is an okay practice. I do advise you to contact animal control, and in the mean time a replacement home, temporary of permanent should be put in place. Here are some rescues you can contact and ask for help.


    Good luck and please keep us posted with what you decide to do.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Well, first off you tell him HELL NO!
    Second I think you should report him to authorities if he is truly in an underground fighting ring. Fighting an 80lb dog seems out of the norm according to what I have read. But then again I don't know that much about fighting dogs and really I do not care to.
    You need to remove the dog from the household. If you cannot afford to support yourself you should not own a dog in my opinion.
    You can find a rescue who will be more then happy to take your dog in considering the circumstances.
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Do you put your dog in a kennel when you are not there? Maybe you can put a lock on it??
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I would just say no, its not his dog and he has no right. If he really has anything to do with fighting dog, why doesn't he have his own dogs and why would he be wanting to take and fight some one's pet no matter what bloodlines it has and an 80lbs best on top of that.

    I'd like to know where this fact come from, last time I heard this line it was 60%. I think people who abue animals will often mistreat people, many have grown up in violent situations. Its funny how these "facts" creep up. This is also unrelated to the matching of dogs, that I can vouch with honest fact. Respectable people and no they don't abuse their parter or their children. Espcially not 99% of dogmen, that is just ridiculous. Like on another message board I'm being told that sure not all Pit Bulls are aggressive but 80% of them are they have less tolerance than other breeds. I can say that isn't true at all either, and not a fact, very ridiculous to think.

    Why not put him and whoever else and doing this in prison? That could help solve the problem and if he does anything to your dog you can prosecute him because the dog is your property and you can add a phelony dog fighting charge to that.
  6. BentleyBaby

    BentleyBaby New Member

    I have been thinking about reporting him for quite a while now. You see Bentley has been with us long before the sd came into the picture. When mother moved into a new house that has 5 acres but no fence, so yes we do have an outdoor kennel.

    GinaH: Did YOU ever go to college? I only have a partial scholarship, and my part time job goes for gas money, care for my pups and various things that the scholarship doesnt cover. Not all fo us are blessed with a loaded bank account. My mother is well off but she is not about to buy me a house where I can live with my dogs.

    I am concerned about my dog, I have repeatedly told him hed better not think about it and he has respected that so far, but I came home the other day and there were about 5 of his friends crowded around the outdoor kennel watching bentley snarl and back at them. im assuming they did something to provoke him because he is a pretty good dog.

    I will definately check up on getting him to stay somewhere else while im at school. Just have to look pretty hard since most of my friends have dogs.

    I will do this asap, im out of school until wednesday, so that gives me a little time.

    My sd has bred bentley before, I caught him tied to a female pit about 3 months ago
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    True Pits, I didn't say 99% of the people, and clearly I was exaggerating. And if I did, I worte it the wrong way. You seem to get to hot headed at times. Like I have said to you before, I have no knowledge of dogmen so I can not say anything on it.
    My obvious exaggeration of percent comes from the abused children that I work with, and the things I have seen first hand. In my experience, I have never met anyone that had a history of animal abuse that did not somehow inflict other abuse on a person aswell. I guess I will stick to 99%, but instead change that to 99% of the people I have directly dealt with.

    I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else on this board, but when I do state my opinions, they are always from personal experience. It is not something I am just making up to talk sh!t out of my ass. I, like you, am an admirer of this breed, and try to help where I can.

    Bentley stated that he does not live at home, which is why I suggested re-homing the dog. He can't prevent his step father from fighting the dog if he is not there.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Bentley. I am glad you are going to look into re-homing him. I know this may sound bad, but it sucks that we can't really choose our "family" for our selves. Good luck to you in re-homing him.

    I would also suggest getting him neutured so these breedings don't take place again. Who knows what kind of people your sd is selling these dogs to. Actually, you do probably know, and that makes it even worse.

    School can be a pain in the butt. I will be attending again in sept. for my degree and the only good part is I already own my home, and my spouse has agreed to up keep most of Harley's expenses.

    If you do report your sd, it can be anonymous. If you are worried about it. I am sorry you have been put in such a bad spot right now, especially being so tight on cash.
  9. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    so i guess all the kids out there who owns dogs should give them up?? anyways.. i can understand how someone couldnt support themself if they are going thru college... but that doesnt mean they should give up their pet.. and you can call the cops on them, but you gotta hope these arent serious people your bustin.. bein that they will know its you and know where you live.. you do have a serious problem.. if i were you, i would jus give my dog up.. wouldnt go to the police..
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes I did go to college actually I have my BA. That is really irrelevant however.
    I did not suggest your mother buy you a house.
    I do think a person should not own a dog if they do not have the means to fully care for it. That's my opinion I know not everyone agree's with it and that's fine.
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Most "kids" do not own dogs their parents do.
    How many kids do you know buy dogfood/pet supplies and pay vet bills?
    I did not say kids should not have family pets. I said a person who can not support themselves should not own a dog. I understand he/she is a college student and I know how hard it is to work part time and go to college, that's why I feel like a person should wait to be a pet owner once they are able to care for a pet in every way possible with out struggle.
    Bentley I did not mean to be rude or criticize you in any way.
    I wish you all the luck.
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Daddyfs why are you trying to scare the kid from reporting this man? There are ways to annoynomisly report people and stop crime from happening. Yes these people are into bad things but I would want to stop them. If everyone sat back scared to report crimes can you imagine what would happen to this world? My bet is alot of people know what they are doing so they would not be able to pin point who told on them.
  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    What scares me more is the amount of people that DO sit back and not report this hate crime. It is horrible to think that some of these abusive acts could have been stopped if someone would've just picked up a phone. Not just with animals, but peope too. I have called the police on abuse I have seen DT in my city so many times. All I see is people walking by and staring, but not one person would even consider calling for help.

    Sad sad.
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Bully I wasn't hotheaded at all. I'm trying to figure out where these stats come from. How they get started another person said they were 2 times more likely.

    I think to say that someone who can't support themselves shouldn't own a dog is kind of silly. Supporting a dog and caring for it cost a lot less than living on your own with bills, rent, groceries, ect.

    A number, not a lot but then those are not really the child's dog and they should have no say in the matter as the parents are the one caring for the dog.

    I did, my parents never shed out a dime for my dog, they weren't supposed to. If they had then it wouldn't have been my dog, I would have no rights to it, actually wouldn't have had a dog period if I didn't support it. Know a child with a Great Pyranese, pays for everything and purchased the dog. Has been doing so since he was 12 years old. Why should he not have his dog? Just because he is unable to live on his own, that doesn't seem fair. Dogs teach kids responsibility and respect, not to mention the joy they bring to their owners lives. If a child wants their own dog and is responsible enough to care for it, then it shouldn't really matter whether or not they could work full time and support themselves.
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That's exactly why there are so many animals in shelters! Because of that kind of thinking.
    True Pits you might be the exception...But my children and any I know are not responsible enough to care for a dog all on their own.
    So when you were a kid and let's say your dog got parvo and you had to take it to the vet and ended up with a $400.00 vet bill you paid it with no probelm? I really doubt that.
    So how does this 12 year old kid earn money at such a young age?
    Let me guess? Allowance? He gets from his parents?
  16. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thats not the reason, obviously if some one were not able to support themselves then they are probably unable to support a dog, on the other hands kids are the perfect exception to this because they don't have to support themselves and can support their dog. The reason their are dogs in shelters is because of overbreeding and people who are irresponsible, they don't get rid of the dog because they can't support it in most cases they get rid of the dog because they no longer care for it or want it even though their is no financial burdon. There is in no way enough home for all the dogs out there, even if every single home in the US was actual a good home and willing to care for dogs every person would have to own 9 dogs, a family of 4 that is 36 dogs and not too likely to happen no matter how much money everyone had. Thats a large burdon for anyone time wise and to deal with.

    I really don't like your attitude and insulting mood. What is the reason for this? Because I was a child capable of caring for my dog? Actually yes I did but it was more than $400!!, maybe you just can't read MY PARENTS NEVER SHED A DIME FOR MY DOG!!! I don't really care to continue this arguement, I paid for my dog plain and simple, clear cut, my parents had nothing to do with the raising, treating or paying for my dog.(or any other animals I kept) Why is it a problem for you to treat your dogs? Why should it have been a problem for me, a child without bills?

    Do you think I'm making up the story about the 12 year old boy too? That he didn't buy the dog and buys everything for it. Since he was 12 years old?
    To answer the question no he didn't get much of an allowance, which wouldn't matter if he did. Because he had other choice to spend an allowance on like any kid rather than a dog. He mowed lawns, tore down old sheds/out buildings and worked at a stable part time in the summer.

    Believe what you like, I did it and I know the truth, it was never a struggle for me to raise my dog. They teach responsibility and that is something I value. They teach being deticated. I think I'm a better dog owner because of it, and I'm glad my parents has enough sense and trust in me to let me get a dog. Not sure what I would have done, I'm not one to give up, but at the same time I'd rather not say oh well I'll get a dog in 10 years from now. Sure I would have still been in the dogs, but I bet not letting me get a dog would have had a big negative effect on me. I don't appreciate you being rude and making assumptions about the ability for me to care for my dog. But now that I think about it, as a matter of fact the breeder where I got a couple of the dogs I currently own he's been in dogs nearly his whole life. As you can tell he's told me his "life story", when he was a kid he had a couple dogs at his grandparents, because his grandpa was into dogs, but his dad wouldn't let them keep the dogs. Well that may not be a big deal, until his grandpa passed away and he was stuck taking care of his grandpa's dogs because grandma sure wasn't going to mess with them, and then he had his own dogs by then which he had to care for and was financially responsible for. Its not like his parents knew anything of what he was doing or how many dogs he had, ect. A 16 year old going everyday to make sure his families dogs are cared for and with a yard of his own of several of his own dogs? How do you suppose those dogs were taken care of, his grandma couldn't afford to provide for those and his parents had nothing to do with them and didn't like his choice of dogs. You go figure it out for yourself. I know who had the responsibility and did take care of his dogs and I know for damn sure who took care of mine in everyway and everyday.
  17. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Let's all CHECKY CHECK the emotions. This guy has a serious problem.
    This is a really good idea.
    Your Step-Father is sneaking around behind your back when you're not home with his "dog fighting groupies. This is all the more reason to place your dog in a safe environment.
    Bentleybaby did not choose his Step-Father. You sound like a responsible young adult. You shouldn't have to give up a pet that you love because you find yourself in a situation beyond your control. There are shelters in larger cities for "Animals In Domestic Abuse." I'm not saying your Mom is in an abusive situation, but your dog obviously is. Find a Foster home or even kennel him until you find a perminent home for yourself and him. As far as turning in your Step-Father, use your own conscience. I'm curious, have you discussed this issue with your Mother? What is her take on this? I wish you the best of luck because I really think you care for your dog and you're in a precarious situation.
  18. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    my suggestion is to change the locks on the house if he has keys to it. put locks on the gate, and warn the neighbours about whats happening. if they ever come round again the neighbours might be able to deter him. keep him inside the house when your out perhaps? or does he go a bit wild?
  19. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I find this VERY INTERESTING!!
    http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 6eb7d118a0
    You claim you can't afford to move out of your mother's house right?
    You explained how hard it was being a college student, but yet you can afford to pay 2 grand for a tiger? I personally think you are FULL OF IT!!
    Do you even own a pit? You mentioned nothing about it in your post on the all dogs forum. You really should not come on a pit bull forum and tell untruths. Especially here! Most of the people here are very passionate people who care deeply about the breed and for you to come on here and tell such a story really get's me irate...which now after reading your post on the other forum I would bet your story is fiction!
  20. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    very interesting indeed! either this person is joking or is COMPLETELY retarded. from reading that link it sounds like youre no better than your step dad! youre both dodgy people. another funny thing is in your other post the great dane is bentley. yet in this thread you are calling your pit bentley.
    well, which one is which? thanks heaps gina for clearing that up. i must admit i was fooled.
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