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diareah in puppies 5 week old puppies

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Ilovemydogs, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. Ilovemydogs

    Ilovemydogs New Member

    Is there any home remedies for diareah in puppies?Also is there any home remedies that promote weight gain in puppies?Is it safe to give 5 week old puppies malt o meal,or oatmeal that is cooked and cooled?They have been wormed regularly,at 2,3,4,5 weeks.They are eating but not gaining any weight and have watery diaeah.They are drinking plenty of water.Any reply would be appreciated.If there is anything I can do at home would be great.Thanks again for all replies.
  2. jay

    jay New Member

    Puppies that young sometimes get upset stomachs when switching from milk. It could also be the food you are feeding. What brand are you feeding? They are gonna gain weight so I wouldn't give them anything but a good quality puppy food. Let their stomachs get use to that first. I like Solid Gold puppy formula, but thats just my opinion. Also, what kind of puppy is it?
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    How many pups do you have? Do you have the litter? The dewormers Im familiar with used to only be given every 2 weeks to young pups, starting at 2 weeks then 4, 6, 8 weeks for a very heavy infestation with follow ups monthly and regular fecal testing, the dam should also be dewormed if you have her.... although the last hospital I worked at was just emergencies not regular daytime practice so we didnt do much in the way of deworming and things might have changed, I have a question though, are you deworming them under a vets instructions or no? if not it might be worth checking with your vet....not saying doing it every week is wrong Im just wondering if that could be part of the diarrhea problem, maybe theyre getting too much....just a thought.

    They should also be gaining weight daily....to be honest I think you need to take the pup or puppies to a vet and have a thorough check up...its really not good for them having no weight gain, watery diarrhea.
    I agree with Jay, changing the food around will most likely add to the problems with the diarrhea. What food do you have them on now?
  4. bullielover

    bullielover New Member

    You can give them some canned pumpkin to see if will help their stools at all.
    It sounds like they could have coccidia though....you can go here to find out what coccidia is and a remedy you can buy- http://wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com/coccidia.html

  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Puppies that are starting to eat solids will usually get dirreah this is normal.

    I worm my girls before mating, 1-2weeks before whelping then they are wormed again along with the puppies 2weeks after whelping and every 2weeks after that until the litter is 12weeks old and its every 3-6months.

    When my litters have diarreah i give them nothing but scrammble egg and boiled chicken for 24hours, this usually helps sort out the problem.

    When switching to solids i give them weetabix not sure if you get them in your area but the are blocks of wheat, i crush them and mix them with Lactol or whelpi from 3weeks old.

    At 4weeks old i start them on canned puppy food i do not like the dried complete puppy foods as some can be to heavy for the little stomachs.

    Heavy worm burden can cause severe diarreah i know this sounds horrible but when cleaning up there mess check for things moving or little white things that look like small grains of rice, Also make sure there is no signs of blood.

    To help with weight gain i always recommend giving plain white boiled rice with chicken you can also mix scrambled egg into this, It is light and does not cause stomach upsets you should after a few days notice the weight gain.

    So there first meal would be normal puppy food.
    Second meal would be boiled rice with chicken and scrammbled egg.
    Third meal would be puppy food.
    Final feed would be just boiled rice with scrammbled egg or just boiled chicken.

    Weigh them if possible first thing on a morning then about 1hour after each meal and last thing at night this will give you an indication on how much weight they are gaining.

    Keep a record of all there weights and within 2-4weeks they should be at there correct weight.

  6. Jas

    Jas New Member

    What are you feeding them? How long have they been skinny and having the big D? How skinny is skinny? Pups can look skinny one day and chubby the next. If this is an ongoing concern I would get them to the vet, other than diet change there may be a reason for it - could be viral, bacterial, food intolerance, bowel disorders or any number of causes. Is dam still feeding them? What type of water are they drinking? I do not worm that often either.


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