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My dog licks my puppies pee

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Maharette, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. Maharette

    Maharette New Member

    I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but it drives me crazy and I don't know how to stop it. I have a 4yr. old Rott/Shepard mix and a 4 month old purebred German Shepard. The Rott will literally stand next to the puppy while he's peeing and then as soon as he's finished he licks it all up. It makes me sick and the only way I know how to stop it is if I stand there and watch them to make sure he doesn't do it. Does anyone know why he does this and how I can stop it. Thanks for any help.
  2. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Well.....as the owner of two poop eaters, it doesn't sound that bad to me!

    I would think it is some sort of territorial thing maybe. Usually I think most dogs just pee over where another dog peed. Never heard of them licking it up but you never know.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    maybe the adult dog is feeling protective of the pup and trying to hide the scent of the pup.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Yeah, I have a poop eater and pee-over-er too. I agree with Mary...probably has something to do with hiding the puppies scent.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im thinking same as Mary....or....is your older dog a female? has she had pups before? maybe its a maternal thing and shes just 'cleaning up after the pup'....although some males can take on this role also.

    Added:I just found this on the net....I think this might be more for dogs that drink their own though

    http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/durbhave.ht ... 20drinking

    QUOTE:There isn't much information that I can find on dogs that will urinate and then lick or drink the urine. The
    only references I can find to this suggest that it is a learned behavior in some dogs that are constantly penned when young (usually pet store dogs) and that it occurs in other situations in which excessive boredom is likely. Some people have associated this behavior with hormonal changes in unspayed female dogs but I don't know if there is really any data to support that association.
  6. jay

    jay New Member

    My male licks every dog he is around pee. Even when we go to the park he wants to lick the poles, grass, everything. Then after he licks it all up, he pees over it.
  7. Maharette

    Maharette New Member

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. What Jay said makes the most sense to me. My Rott/Shepard is a male. Sounds like his dog does the exact same thing as mine. It can't be a learned behavior I didn't buy him from a store. I bought him from a private person and have had him since 8 weeks old and he's never been penned up. I don't know I've searched the internet on this and have come up empty. I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I suggest not looking while he does it. We can tolerate all sorts of things if we just don't watch and convince ourselves it's not happening. :)
  9. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    We all loved to get kisses from our pups but you can't even think about what the dog was 'kissing" before it got to you.
    I agree with Jamiya, better not to "look" and just convince yourself that those kisses are wonderful. :D :D
  10. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    That reminds me of that commercial I love. It starts out for like 1 min showing the dog drinking out of the toilet, then the owner comes home and the dog runs downstairs and kisses the owner on the face. "You're not as clean as you think". :mrgreen:
  11. pekepoo4u

    pekepoo4u New Member

    I had a hard time finishing my ginger ale while reading this thread, but they are animals..and they do animal things. I have just noticed that our 5 month old has started the poop tasting thing as well.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I find it quite helpful when the dogs eat the cats' vomit. So helpful, I will actually call the dogs over to take care of the mess, whenever possible. :0024: :-&
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: I saw a caption or somthing a while ago....

    "Why does my human pee in my water bowl?"
  14. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I'm still waiting on a bug cleanup in the kitchen. Someone killed it, and left the carcass--I think it was a cricket. Surely one of my 4 animals will come along and clean it up!
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala and Bonnie tend to play with insects. They snap at them, but never quite kill them or eat them. It's very irritating. I wish they would eat them! Although Nala did eat that cicada chrysalis-thing she BROUGHT INTO THE HOUSE that one time. I thought I'd vomit.

    Speaking of vomiting, Nala horked up most of her whole raw fish dinner last night. On the carpet. It was lovely! I actually took a photo, but I forgot to bring the memory card to work. I'll post it later. :shock:

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