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Custody battle over dog input please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by MyPetTherapyDog, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    What are the laws for custody cases involving dogs?
    Does it vary from state to state?

    Has anyone been involved in a custody battle with a dog before?
    I am interested in the outcome and how the judge came to it.

    Thanks for input.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Do you know someone that is going through this?

    I didnt get as far as a custody battle, I lost before I really got started but it was in UK and about 20 years ago. I had a German Shepherd, when I left my daughters dad he wouldnt let me take the dog, I did go to a lawyer about the visitation for him for my daughter and I asked him about my dog....my ex was never really that interested in the dog, I trained him, I had a really close bond with him, the ex wasnt cruel to him nor did he neglect him in any way but his idea was that if I couldnt take the dog then Id stay with him. It turned out that because my ex's name was on the dogs paperwork, the receipt for his purchase, the vets bills, the courts considered him my exes dog (Ive never made that mistake again....every one of my pets since then has been solely in my name).

    I remember a case though when I worked in Arcadia, a couple were getting divorced, the husband brought in their 4 dogs and I think 2 cats and requested they all be euthanized...luckily not only would the hospital not euthanize healthy pets but the receptionist was friendly with the woman who usually brought the pets in so she called the woman and told her what was happening, she showed up with the cops and got all her pets back....the husband wanted the pets but would rather kill them than lose them in court to his soon to be ex wife.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I hate it when innocents suffer in a divorce.

    Sargesmom shared Sarge with her ex. I don't know if they actually used the courts for custody arrangements or if it was just an agreement they made themselves. However, her husband kept forgetting to lock the gate when he had Sarge. He got out and was hit by a car and killed. He was still a puppy, around a year old. :cry:

    She doesn't post here much anymore, but she drops in sometimes. Maybe if she comes by, she will have some info for you.
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I don't want to post the entire story on a public message board but it is my daughter and her boyfriends dog.
    The adoption paper work is in his name and the rest of the paper work is in her name.
    I gather it will go to court.
    She loves the dog enough to fight for it. That dog is her entire world.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have a friend on another board whose daughter went through something similar with a BF, a daughter, and a rottie - the BF finally gave up the dog. But he was also neglectful....they got photos.
    My nephew and his former GF got a boxer puppy - she paid for the dog and he had the registration and all vet work in his name. When they split up she wanted the dog - he said she bought him the pup as a gift. He kept the dog. Gave it away a short while later.... :x didn't even give her an option to take the dog
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Heh. My husband would give them to me, and good riddance. They are MY pets, I bought them, and I do everything to take care of them. He wouldn't want them. I'm not sure I could afford them without him, though! Do they award pet support?? :shock:
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Legally by Texas law Granvel and i are common law marriage. So if we were to split, it would probably go through a divorce. But (hopefully) that'll never happen. We've been together 8 years now (on the 13th of this month!!!).

    I know that Sassy would go with me and if we still had the heelers, it would go through court.

    But since I've got the new girls I think all the animals would go with me. The girls really take after me, and he doesn't have a whole lot to do with them.

    But all our animals have BOTH our names on everything.

    as for Boo... we'll probably fight to the death over him. The cow was both ours, but I've raised him and taken care of him...

    I don't know.

    It really pisses me off though when animals suffer for humans negligence and ignorance.
  9. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Yea, he is really beginning to irritate me.

    He is trying to push her buttons by speaking to her sister (my other daughter while she is at work) She works at a vet.

    He is trying to scare my daughter (through my other daughter) into thinking he can just take the dog and that is that.

    We have hired an attorney and are going to our appointment soon.

    We expect her to be served with court papers and are waiting.

    It isn't right because I honestly believe he does not want the dog. He just does not want her to have the dog.

    I guess its just hang tight and wait and see.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would have your girls document EVERY conversation with him. Every time he calls, have them write down the date and time, how long the conversation was, and what was said. Do it very objectively. It can't hurt and it may help - if they can show he is harrassing them and seems to be doing it just to push buttons and not because he wants the dog, maybe it will help.

    I have a cousin whose ex-husband dragged her through court last year trying to get custody of their son. She won, but it cost a LOT of money and it was very time consuming and stressful. She is saving money now because she thinks he is going to do it again this year, when their son turns 12.

    I don't understand why people have to try to hurt their ex and drag children and pets through the mud as well.
  11. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Like Jamiya said, document every detail. If possible, audio- or video-record what that guy said and how he aggresively treated your daughters. Witnesses would help too, like the vet, neighbors, friends, and whoever had seen and known your daughter, rather than that guy, caring for the dog.
  12. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Thanks all for the helpful info.
    I now have a "Journal".

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