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Can Anyone Please HELP with a Mastiff?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Windie, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. Windie

    Windie New Member

    I woke to him having a huge hard ball on the side of his face one morning! I rushed him to the hospital. Thet said he had 107.6 temp and spent the day getting it lowered in order to figure out what was going on. The drew puss like fluid from the ball and after the fever dropped drained the stuff out. They kept him for a week and put him on a lot of medicine. They let him come home after a week, but i had to drain it every 2 hours. It's to a point it want drain anymore!! It gets larger, but nothing will come out. He acts fine and is eating and poddying regularly, but the ball isn't going away! The vet cannot tell if it's an abcsess or not (frankly i think sh's and idiot, she drugs him and makes wrong calls way too often-at one point she almost killed him and said, "MAYBE I GAVE HIM TOO MANY ANTIBIOTICS"). I don't know what to do, as i cannot let him continue on like this or die. PLEASE IF THERE IS SOMEONE THAT CAN HELP, PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Take him to another vet. How old is your dog?

    The problem with abscesses that keep re-occuring is there is usually a foreign body stuck inside somewhere, could be some kind of growth, the abscess gets drained but then it builds up again, they dont go away until the FB has been removed. Have his teeth been checked? A bad tooth can cause abscesses that generally dont go away unless the tooth is taken care of.

    A fever of 107 is dangerously high....I would take him to another vet, if the problem isnt caused by a tooth problem then they may need to do an exploritory to find out exactly what the cause is.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    please take him to another vet, it does sound like he is not getting the proper care needed, and i agree with Delauk, it sounds like something may still be in there causing the absess not go go down

  4. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    any luck?

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