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Lost hope in finding help

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sweething852002, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I found help. They replied me back and said they wanted me to call them so they can help me with vet visit and flea products. My dad saw it and he is very mad at me. He told me "no, if you really wanted your cat to be helped that bad you wouldn't have gotten that guitar of yours!" I didn't know she would need help this bad at that time I got the guitar. He is always finding ways to blame it on me. I feel extremely bad and lost. I hear him tell me I act like a child and other people at work think I act like one too. He says I can't think for myself alot of the time. That I don't even think at all. I told him it's probably because I'm under socialized and because when I want to do something for myself or help my cat it back fires because I'm told I can't do it etc etc... I'm told doing my art school was a mistake and a waste of money. I had to fight for that. I had to fight for my servsafe class too. The first night I tried to go.. my dad was gonna take me but he wanted me to call my boss for directions. I called and no one anwered. I had chased her all week for directions. I decided to use the net. He wouldn't take me till I called her even if I had the directions. So I called for help from work. I got someone to take me. My dad yelled at me wanting to know where I was going. I didn't tell him so he cussed at me and asked again. I told him to not worry about it. He pushed me agains the wall really hard. I struggled just to get out of the house so I can go get a free education for work. Why does he continue to tell me I act like a child and it's my fault? I'm sorry I'm just venting. Im' feeling really mad and upset because I finally found help for my loved one and I can't accept it because of my father. :cry: Please forgive me. *cries*
  2. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    im a little lost here..what is wrong w/ your cat?
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im sorry your having such a hard time with this....as far as your cat is concerned why can they not help you now???? Cant you hand the cat over to them? explain the situation with your dad and see if they can take your cat....I understand that you probably do not want to give her up but wouldnt that be a better option than for her to be suffering....at 16 this might not be her only problem, even if it is now shes still getting old and older pets generally need more medical care for one thing or another....Sometimes we just have to do whats right for our pets even if that means we are left unhappy about it.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how old are you again? Your dad should not be pushing you against the wall hard under any circumstances.
    I know there is always 2 sides to every story (having a teen myself) but it sounds like your father needs to learn some compassion.
    If he's unwilling to let you find a way to get your cat the medical needs the cat requires maybe you should find a way to give the cat up.
    I hate to say that as I believe you love your cat (I just remembered you're 16 - same age as your cat)....and I know it can be hard for a 16 year old to find a job (my son is looking for one too - he's 16).
    I hope you can work things out - maybe you can come to an agreement with your dad that if he'll pay for your cat's medical treatment as soon as you get a job you'll start repaying him.....maybe that'll work. Or you could sell your guitar to pay for medical care for the cat.
    You can get another guitar later but your cat needs vet care now
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I would just like to add that by law, if an animal is in need of medical care, the owner (in this case your father since you are a minor) is required to get it the care it needs. Whether it's by giving the animal up to a rescue/SPCA organization or the owner getting the animal the care themselves. Otherwise it's consider animal cruelty and comes with fines/jail time.

    Maybe that will help convince your dad to help you do something.

  6. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    The rescue group seems to be full. They lady I talked to wanted me to just take my cat to her vet. Yes I would give her up. I am thinking she has more problems because she is yodeling. It might be bad pain in the joints. I started to rub her back when she wouldn't stop meowing and i couldn't figure out what else she wanted. When I started doing that as she stoped meowing she closed her eyes like it felt good to be rubbed. Yes I can sale my guitar.. problem is finding someone around here who will buy it from me or maybe put an ad in the papers which would give me a greater chance of saleing it. If she is showing signs of pain I would think she should be put down cause, your right she could have other things wrong. She is old.

    To the one who asked what's wrong with her. She has a mysterious lump on her head that would bleed when she scratched at it. I have an e-collar on her. She was plucking hair and excessive grooming. She is now getting to her tail with the e-collar on. I will fuss my dad out today about it. Very soon here I will unleash my evil side for some attention. Yes I know I can get animal cruelty against me if nothing is done.

    The one who thinks I'm 16.. sorry for the miss understanding I am 19. I can't drive cause my car needs fixing the stickers are out of date so I will end up losing my car soon if that's not inspected. I don't care. I care more about my cat. I'm getting very furious and desperate. I'm about to end up going towards putting her to sleep cause there is not other option for me cause I feel helpless when someone is trying to control me and have no compassion. Let me go yell at him. Typing this makes things get more and more on my nerves. :x

    Some of the meowing was for just picking my cat up and putting her in the litter box even though she can do it herself. She wants me to hold her, she goes to other doors that are upstairs meowing and wanting to go in those doors. Dogs don't bother her anymore they just walk right on past her. She doesn't seem bothered by them. I gave her food, she ate it all, I gave her water and she drank alot of it. Trying to keep her hydrated and not hungry. She is getting more perky and sits there looking at me and walks around. I took her e-collar off for a while so she can have a breather from it while in my lap. While I did that she was licking my hand and arm and then nibbling at it trying not to do it to herself. I'ma bout to give her a bath cause she has a few flakes on her. Her ears seem to be clean cause I do try to clean them out every other day or so. I'll post later. I'm gonna go talk to the one who is trying to hold me back from helping my loved one. Please wish me luck and pray for me.
  7. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    just gotta do what i have to do no matter what it takes.

    You know what. I'm really sick of this roller coaster ride. I will just have to prove to my father I'm doing the right thing. I just e-mailed the lady back. She said she has a friend who lives in my area that can give me a ride saturday morning. I just told her that I don't have a carrier for my cat so I will just have to hold her and have a leash on her to be safe. I am avaliable all saturday. I will not let anyone tell me different. I just sent the e-mail so it's too late to change my mind. I'm 19, like my bf says I need to learn to stand up for myself. This is my chance to break some strings and do what ever it is that needs to be done. No matter what the ending is. I will pay her back somehow. I will call the rehab center tomorrow about a job and see if she can put me on the schedule again. Put if she wants to put me on anytime soon I will have to let her know I can't saturday because of the appointment for my cat. I will have to wait and see what the reply on the e-mail to be sure it will be saturday. She will make the appointment for me.
  8. kismet

    kismet New Member

    From another site:

    I recently picked up a stray kitten and the money factor was a problem also. I took her to "people for animals" and explained my situation and they gave her a much needed flea treatment and de-wormed her for free. they also referred me to a lady who gets grants from the state who will give you vouchers for specific cat care depending on your situation especially if it is very critical. they tend to help when you are caring for a stray and your financial resources are limited. i don't know where you are located but you can call me and hopefully i can help!! -( I private -messaged you her phone number)

    Also these sites may help with costs :
    Acme House of Cats--they have an Acme Fund
    cat discussions regarding questions, rescue, health, help, stories, and pictures.
    members5.boardhost.com/AcmeHouseOfCats/ - 94k - 6 Jun 2005 - Cached - Similar pages




    This is an organization that will try very hard to help you if you cannot afford vet bills once in a while. Or maybe you find a hurt or sick stray that needs medical help. They're called Help-A-Pet


    If you can't afford credit for pet vet bills:
    Have you tried Care Credit? http://www.carecredit.com
  9. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I will see how this goes with the vet and all once that lady replys me and if she does try to help me. If she can't help them I will surely try those sites.

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