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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sweething852002, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    :eek: I will be able to pay that lady back if she helps me out woo hoo! If not then I'll do my best to get her there.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    good for you - my son got a job too!!!!!
    he wants to be a chef and he got a job in a good restaurant as dishwasher/prep cook. He's excited - he's talking about a cat of his own LOL that ain't happen'in now
    good luck.....you must be on cloud nine now
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Congratulations, what kind of jobs did you get???
  4. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    Sort of I just got back from one of the jobs with a schedule. They are only gonna give me the weekend but I told her I can't work saturday cause I have to take my cat to the vet. She said ok. I'll still be working sunday there at the rehab center as dietary aide. I went to burger king. Which was my second job. The lady looked at my schedule and marked on all of my days off to work there. I'm pretty much booked right now. I have worked at both places before so it's nothing new. Just something I need to relearn. 3rd time being hired at bk lol. Second time at the rehab. I'm not too fond of fast food but I have to do something. I will do my best not to mess up. I start tomorrow. I got me a pay check from the rehab center that I didn't know I had. It's not much. I got about 35 dollars on it. Spent 2 dollars for a shake at bk. The rest will go into my tootsie roll can. I'm gonna make a list of things I need, want, and things that need attention. That money will be strickly for things on that list. Or maybe I'll just make it for things that are emergencies. Make a separate can or container for wants and needs. I need a new desk for my computer one that allows me to do my homework on it. I also want a drawing board, which I do need because I have a hard time practicing perspective on my lap. The perspective I'm working with deals with something like mathimatical art without numbers. At least it seems that way, if you know what vanishing points are and how it's checked for accuracy then you know what I'm talking about. lol Oh my goodness I will be working with a guy named Mark. He has a grudge against me for something. I'm only there to work not to worry about grudges. I still haven't gotten a reply back from the people I sent e-mail too. I don't know if they are no longer avalible.

    I now have a plan if they are not avalible. I will carry my cat to the closest vet. I just hope it doesn't stress her out too much. I'd have to carry here in my arms there. Cross hwys with her in my arms hoping she will not jump out. It would take me aproximately 30 mins to get there. Then 30 mins to get back depending on traffic. My dad still doesn't approve of me taking her until we get all of our bills paid, my braces off which cost over 400 dollars, get my car inspected which i bet will be alot. I will still take her as long as if I have the money to. Not sure when I'll get enough in my pocket. So far I have 30 some dollars in the can. I want to get up to 200 dollars in my pocket before i take her.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    what you could do is simply give your vet some money every week and start a credit. Sounds like you need/want so many things you might end up spending money you should be spending on your cat.
    If you give your vet $$ as soon as you cash a paycheck you'd be surprised at how quickly that can add up. Shouldn't wait too long w/the cat since her health issues need to be addressed ASAP.
    I try to keep a credit w/my vet for emergencies (my dog had a surgery once that cost $1,100!!!!! took me MONTHS to pay that off). But Sadie dawg's last appointment was covered cause every week when I go buy her food I always give them $10-$15 over the cost of the food so I had nearly $100 in credit when I took her last. It's a good feeling to walk out of there and have the appointment already paid for.
  6. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    Well I am trying my best to focus on my cat and get the money for her. I wll not worry about my braces too much. I will worry about my cat till something is done. Im gonna try to go to the store and get a couple of things for her to see if it will help her any. Someone told me about brewers yeast and flaxseed oil. Im gonna go ahead and get those. Then what ever money I have goes into the can. I do how ever have those month bills that are manditory. Those will be taken care of. She should be able to get to the vet soon. Right now I think my cat is gonna splode. lol She ate a little too much i think. Is two cans of 9-lives too much for a days feeding. I give her one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I've been making sure that the dogs don't get to her food. I feed her in her favorite hiding spot...my closet.
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Congratulations on the jobs! :eek: It's hard to have two jobs (I've had three for a periode, now I have two) but it's worth it on pay day :lol:

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