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We'll miss you, Lita.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by I_Miss_Baz, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    As written by my husband...


    Oct,1989-Aug 8,2005

    I buried my cat today. Not an easy thing to do
    after 16 years of her life with me. The past couple of
    months she struggled with kidney failure but she held
    on and lived life only a Lita could do. Last week I
    knew the time was coming for her to leave earth and I
    had a talk with Lita. Only cat owners and cat lovers
    can truly understand what I mean. She and I
    understood each other. I had to let her know it was ok
    to leave but she loved living here so much she didnt
    want to let go. Saturday my wife and I left for the
    Hall Of Fame in Canton and I again I reminded her it
    would be ok to leave but she waited until we came back
    and I had my wife tell her she would be with the other
    cats we had,Baz in paticular. I left for work telling
    Lita one last time good bye. At work about 6:45 pm,
    Lita crossed my mind and a sense of relief came over
    me. I called home and what I thought happened was
    comfirmed, Lita was gone. My Cat was gone. I will
    miss her.
    In 1989 we went to get two kittens and my wife
    picked out Baz and I picked the little black fuzz ball
    running towards a pile of wood...I wanted that one! I
    named Lita after the rock star Lita Ford but my cat
    was nothing near the wild rock star image. In fact
    she was the laziest cat I had ever known. Just like
    Tigger in Winne the Pooh, there was only one Lita and
    that was my big black cat. She would play but that
    took too much effort and it cut into her nap time. An
    example of Litas personality was like this....We
    bought a 55 gallon aqaurium , loaded it with fish.
    Two weeks later Lita came running by, well trotted by,
    ok, walked by and after two weeks noticed the fish ,
    stopped, turned to us and as if to say with great
    surprise "MOMMY,DADDY, THERES FISH IN THERE!!!" and
    spent the next few months just watching until it was
    nap time. Lita was a good cat, she never got on the
    table, kitchen counter or anywhere she wasn't supposed
    to be...ok, I just lied, but I always let her do
    whatever because she was Lita and she was my cat and
    she could do no wrong.
    I picked her out of hundreds of kittens but she
    truly adopted me,again cat owners/lovers, could only
    understand. Every night Lita would sit in the living
    room and wait for me to sit down just so she could
    curl up in my lap and sleep. My little black fuzz
    ball that ran in the wood pile, my big black laid back
    cat, Lita, is gone. With tears flowing, I will miss
    her. Good bye Lita.
  2. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    What an eloquent and sad letter. Tears are flowing here, too. I am filled with sadness at your loss of Lita, but I am also filled with hope. Because if you (both of you) could keep a cat safe and healthy until the ripe old age of 16, and who passed on after having lived a wonderful live filled with so much love and companionship, then I might be as lucky as well. Luna is 5 now, and it's my biggest wish that I'll be fortunate enough to spend at least another 11 years with her. My sincerest condolences to you on your loss. And my kudos to you for being such a wonderful friend and family member to Lita! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way during this difficult time.
  3. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that. She sounds like she had an awsome life and care takers. Sending hugs your way to you and your wife.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry for your loss :(
  5. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member


    What a beautiful, loving tribute.

    I'm so sorry about Lita. I know you were already hurting over Baz. Lita sounds like she was an awesome cat. :cry:
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm sorry for your loss but she is in heaven now and in no pain. If you could provide a wonderful home for them for so long maybe getting another furbabie is a good idea. Not as a replacement, because nothing could replce your baby, but in memory of them and to save the life/lives of another wonderful furbabie.
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm really sorry for your loss.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. :cry:
  9. JeanW

    JeanW New Member

    I am so sorry. Your tribute to her is wonderful. She sounds like a really special cat - I know you loved her and she loved you too.
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    A very touching tribute. I'm so sorry. :cry:
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thank you for posting your letter, it really helps me. I am always on dog board and not here so much. I just lost my Midas yesterday due to a long battle with kidney failure. my husband is taking it quite hard since Midas is the one that bonded with him and they were attached at the hip and know the feeling, Midas look in his eyes said its time to go

    I am very sorry for your loss

  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Honeybears - I'm sorry for your loss, too.
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Rest in Peace Lita
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: Lita was a very special girl. Her mommy and daddy are very lucky to have known her for 16 years.
  15. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    We'll miss you sweet Lita

    Thank you everyone..it's always hard to let go even when you know it's coming. I have hugged the others extra hard these last few days. We're taking it one day at a time...it's all we can do. I now have two holes in my heart that will never be healed....the first two kitties that I have ever owned are now at the Bridge. It will get a little easier with time, but those holes will never heal. We do have other kitties that we love dearly that help fill the void, but the first two are special in their own special way.

    Honeybears, I'm so sorry for your loss of Midas. We are blessed to have the unconditional love of these babies for their lifetime, which is never long enough. Midas sounds like a very special kitty, too. He will be met by Lita and the others at the Bridge and they will take good care of him. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

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