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you and your cat(s) astrologically

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Aquarius (now I have that song in my head)
    Aquarian owners of box sexes make ideal cat owners. Aquarius is the humane sign, and the qualities dominant in their character are ideal for bringing up a happy and healthy cat. They give their cats the freedom to be themselves and feel comfortable without feeling pressured to seek the needed attention. The cat will soon learn to be patient and not be pushy with the owner, because the Aquarian owner will not forget the cat's needs such as warmth, food, love and attention. Aquarians always try to create a healthy environment for their cats, believing that this will endenger long-lasting love in return.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Taurus owners of either sex are often considered one of the ideal type of owners. They have endless patience and a natural love of animals and the home life, which so often revolves around youngsters and pets. This routine is not boring to the Taurean as it is to many of th eother zodical types. Taureans almost always choose country life, or at least suburban life, which is ideal for cats. Owners of this group have a very protective instinct and, although they are seldom brilliant intellectually themselves (this is what the book says), their kindness of heart towards their cats goes a long way to giving the cats the kinds of lives they most desire.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    The female Sagittarian owner makes a better owner than the male, who is not sufficiently detailed in the caring of his cat and appears to be disinterested. It has been said that these people have such a great interest in the world at large that it would not be asking too much of them to devote more attention to their cats. Yet the Sagittarian has a lot of love and affection to give to a loving cat. The female owner serves her cat with more specialized attention than the Sagittarian male. In fact, she has some of the Libran's good sense in the rearing of kittens and, in addition, often develops in then very early in life an interest in chasing a ball of string, chasing leaves, and having fun.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Gemini owners of either sex do not make ideal cat owners: There is too much mind and not enough heart in their makeup to be effective with cats. (remember I'm only the messenger) However, their playful outlook and fresh and lively points of view may help them to understand their cats. The Gemini owner must cultivate patience and affection and try to create a restful atmosphere in the home rather than a stimulating, cluttered one. The Gemini ownwer's whole reaction to life lacks warmth and affection, but this is particularly important in the relationship with cats. There are many problems that pure reason alone will not solve, and one of them is controlling your cat.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    The female Capricorn owner is a far better owner than the Capricorn male. She is rather like the Virgo female owner in her dedicated supervision and concern for her cat and her persistent efforts to offer her cat the best living environment. Like the virgo female owner, however, she sometimes errs on the side of commission rather than omission. She will at times push her cat beyond its capabilities, perhaps forgetting that the cat is not human. The male owner is far too exacting and severe. He resumbles the Scorpio owner in that he has no patience with the affections that a cat needs. He is harsh and unsympathetic towards the cat and thinks only in terms of discipline, quite often forgetting the cat's natural hunting instincts. The male owner is quite often on the go, so a cat who enjoys rest is not well suited with this male owner. Dominated by the planet Saturn, this type of owner can expect little but fear from his cat-unless he tempers his severity, he will lose out in the affection and love the cat has to offer.
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    HAHA, ok, this line I have to disagree with. You all know how spoiled Vianne is. If anything, she probably wishes I would leave her the heck alone once in awhile, LOL. But I DO have a great interest in the world at large, so that's why I take Vianne with me, lol.


    How's that for a well traveled kitty with plenty of attention from her Sagittarian momma? lol
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hey - I take offense to that! :lol: That's hilarious. Aside from that statement, I think the rest was pretty accurate.
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    LOL halaroo - that's why I said I'm only the messenger LOL
    Some of the signs not asked for state even worse...not nasty though
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Thanks a bunch Mary! :y_the_best:

  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Well, that's it! I no longer believe in astrology.... Lol :lol:
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you Mary! I'm Sagittarius and my siblings who are also Sagittarius, but males, would not do well with cats, lol's. It's so true. Hubby is a Taurus and he adores children and pets! How about Scorpion for my son? Faeriedust, I love all your pics of Vianne. She is one lucky baby and very photogenic too! :mrgreen:
  12. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    wheres the virgo? :cry:
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    oops sorry will do Virgo tonight - keep looking
  14. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    How about the one for Libra.
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :oops: Im a Gemini :oops:
  16. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    sorry I didn't get to do Virgo last night - got my first whacko potential adopter of MaiTai and she got me so wired I had to shut off my computer.
    I'll do it tonight
    I did libra in an earlier post cause that's what I am
  17. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    Thanks Mary I found it. My puter shut down before I got that far to the other post you made with Libra in it. :oops:
  18. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Aries too? :D
  19. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    cancer too?? :y_the_best:

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