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Why is my cat doing this?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I have 3 cats- all are almost 3 yrs old. I have 2 girls & a boy. My male cat is Diabetic and I give him nsulin every day. I have a kitty litter in every darn room of my house for him. We got a dog about 2-3 months ago..she is getting big, 5 months old...and loves my male cat who is ahh, okay with her- doesn't love her. But he is better then the other 2 cats towards the dog. :| Anyway- I noticed he is peeing my my hallway, he is peeing right next to the kitty litter-- what the heck is this? My husband thinks he is markign his territory b/c he pee'd in the dogs crate last week...and now he is doing this. :?:
    Do you think its from DIabetes? IS he stressed?? :shock: Think he is marking his territory??? :x
    HELP!! :!: He is destroying my home!!!!!! :cry:
    Thanks... :lol:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    time for a vet check...could be a urinary tract infection. Rule out medical first then if that is fine treat it as behaviorial. But I'd get him checked for a UTI first
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Agree, vet check, UTI or could also be related to the diabetes.
  4. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Yeah- Last time (about a 2-3 months ago- ) he started peeing in the corners of the rooms (hence all th kittly litters now) but I tested him for a UTI- it was not so...and his blood sugar was high, so she raised him from 4 units to 5 units of Insulin. :( Maybe his sugar is high again?!! It really really stinks :cry: because he hates being at the Vet all day- and he doesn't eat...so the Vet said its hard to get an exact #/reading on him.... :roll:
    UGH!! I will call the vet & get a pee sample from him to bring to her-- Thanks for your responses!!! I apprecaite it!!!! :y_the_best:
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Probably crystals and not a UTI. My vet says that's what males get. Both of my cats are now on prescription c/d food and I WILL NOT TAKE THEM OFF of it lol. I learned the hard way--poor things.

    But do let us know!
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If it is due to the diabetes its really difficult to get a good (accurate) reading from a cat in a hospital, their stress levels can throw off the reading, theyre much harder than dogs but I was wondering if the urine sticks might work for you with your cat, maybe you could ask your vet about them and see how effective they might be and then you will be able to do some of the monitoring at home, keep a record and update your vet occasionally, Ive never used them although Ive heard they are more accurate than taking blood from a vein which always shows a higher read but its pretty consistant.
  7. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I know about a 8 months ago- my cat was starting to develop crystals on/by the kidney/bladder. But they said it was OK-it was just a start. Do you think it could have goten worse??
    I have him & my other 2 cats on prescription dm food (for diabetes)...
    I will call my vet!

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