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How can I get rid of the smell??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    :roll: Any ideas how to get the smell of Cat Urine out of my carpets? I tried everything....I think!!? Steam clean it, etc...
    HELP!! :x
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Nature's Miracle. It doesn't just mask the smell it eliminates it. I also like a product sold at WalMart called Out.
    I have ordered a new stuff called Urine Gone - waiting patiently (been a month) to get it. Supposedly it's on its way.
    I'll review that when/if I get it
  3. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    ^ ^ yes, please do, Mary. I think I saw that on HSN?

    I'm lucky that my new kitty Tiger has never *knock on wood* sprayed or peed on the floor. Rowdy sprayed everywhere for 15 years!! Sometimes, I walk into his old room and can still smell it after all this time. I'd have to constantly clean everyday to keep down the odor. Still, I'd give anything to have him back... even if it meant watching his little feisty butt spraying everywhere.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :mrgreen: Rowdy must have been some kitty that you never got mad at him, lol's. I use Nature's Miracle and it cleans pukes really well but never did have to deal with urine. I'd be curious too to find out how the new product works out.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Rip up the carpet lol!

    But seriously, I've tried almost everything and nothing really works. I only have 3 rooms with carpet left for this reason. The bedroom is next on the list to go. I recently got some "Get Serious" and when you put it on the pee mark, an ammonia odor comes out. I think it may be working...like releasing the urine smell or something like that. I also know that the enzymatic cleaners take a while to work. Oh, and if you steam cleaned it, you may have set the urine into the fibers of the carpet.

    Copper still sprays and I am often tempted to boot him outside, but I can't!
  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My husband and I were thinking of ripping up all the carpet and getting hardwood floors---Do you think he would urinate on the wood floors? Because then we would be out of like...$5000.00 and it would still smell etc...... :cry:
    I don't know what to do!! He is my mush mush- he is only 3 yrs old. I would never ever ever put him outside (b/c I have to give him insulin shots- and I would enver want him outside..alone!!) but also I would never ever put him down or get rid of him to a kennel/foster home etc!! Never ever- EVER!!! :x So...I don't know what to do!! My husband and I fight over him every single day- and I just don't know what to do to make them both happy!?? ANy ideas??? :?:
    My Vet gave me a stress pill (kind of a prozac for cats) but I don't want to give it to him...maybe he is stressed w/ the dog...I dunno- but Maybe I should try the pill???? HELP!!!!!! :cry:
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    we've eliminated the carpeting throughout our house - a room a year. Luckily I don't have a problem with my cats messing my problem is my old leaky dog.
    Got my UrineGone just now - will let you know how it works.
    I do have a pillow a foster peed on - so I can let you know if the smell comes out of that (Nature's Miracle didn't work on it...I've never had luck with that stuff).
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I have laminate floors in 3 rooms so far and the dogs and the cat has peed on them. So far (knock on wood/laminate) it has done pretty well. The one room I didn't glue the "glueless" seams buckled a little when a puddle sat for a bit while I slept. I still think it's better than carpet. My carpet was only about 3 years old when I ripped it out and it was sooooooooooooo nasty! And now I sweep like twice a day and always get a pile of cat hair and litter so where was that going?? I think hardwood floor don't do quite as well with urine and the cleanup.

    But yes, if he sprays, he will still spray. :x And I would never, ever throw my cat out either. But some days it is very, very tempting.

    Good Luck :y_the_best:
  9. andygrey

    andygrey New Member

    Although pprobably not as effective as professional products, when my first cat's kittens were little they weed everywhere. We used washing powder with water and scrubbed a patch of the carpet.

    Thankfully it worked - the smell was completely gone!
  10. marfamonkaye

    marfamonkaye New Member

    Help, My Cats Done A Pee On The Carpet.

    :y_the_best: Hey over here in the UK I use Baking Soda it is supposed to absorbe the bad odour from the urine carpet and leave a neutral smell.


    1. Sprinkle generously accross affected area.
    2. Leave for 24 hours.
    3. Vacuum the soda up.




  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    are there kitty diapers?

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