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EEk! Pregnant cat help!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by SweetSurrender, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. SweetSurrender

    SweetSurrender New Member

    My cat, Bridges, is pregnant. I noticed she was pregnant about the ....7th of July. Her stomach was poking out more and her nips were pink and sticking out.

    Well its the 11th of August, and still no kitties. She doesnt eat alot. She mostly sleeps. I'm worried about her because she's so big, but she has really tiny body. And She's nesting somewhat. But for the most part , she's just sleeping constantly. And she always wants me to hold her.

    I'm not sure the day that she got pregnant. And i know that regular gestation is 63-65 days and all. But ...waht are some signs to know when she's ready?

    I can literally see the babies moving around. They move ALOT. And last night, her stomach looked like it was ...i dont know the best way to describe it, but i would say shaking? or it looked like waves on her tummy. but it stopped shortly after.

    I cant take her to the vet because my husband is out of town with our only vehicle, and he also has our bankcard, so even if i did call a cab, i couldnt pay them, lol.

    Advice! Please!!!
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I don't know alot about cat pregnancies (?), so if I were in your situation I'd call the vets office and ask for their opinion. Maybe get a friend/relative to drive me if the vet thought it would be nesseceary to bring the cat in :)
  3. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    i think the only way you can tell is thru ultrasound...they will need to ck the size of the kitties...have you tried a search online for symptoms of labour in cats??
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sounds like shes ready to start delivering (I noticed you posted this yesterday so she may already have had the kittens??), the nesting behaviour, her apetite is down and the way youve described her belly. Ive put a link in which has some tips on what generally happens during labour, also has some tips on potential problems that may occur although most pets go through labour with no problems. Good luck.

  5. andygrey

    andygrey New Member

    It's quite hard to know when they're completely ready. When my first cat was ready, all through the day she went back to the litter tray a lot.

    Both of my female cats spent a small while up until the labour actually hunting around for a place to give birth, as well. If she keeps on moving around and trying to settle in places - it's a good sign that they'll come soon. (Make sure you keep any places you need left clean out of the cat's reach!)

    I hope everything goes OK and the kittens are really healthy. Other than that, don't worry too much - she could have a little while to go yet.

    Best wishes for you, your cat and her kittens!
  6. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    You said that your kitty doesn't eat a lot? That's not good for a pregnant kitty who needs nutrients for their babies. I had kittens last year (or rather Peanut did, long story) about this time, we switched Peanut over to kitten food, because she didn't eat much either, but kitten food is full of good stuff for the Momma and the babies. You should keep doing this even after the babies are born, I read that it makes her milk more nutritious.

    Does Bridges have any favorite hiding spots? Or cozy areas? The place she feels that her babies will feel safest is most likely where she'll give birth to them. Peanut gave birth to her babies between an air conditioner and a broken chair in a closet. I found her with the babies a day later. Everyone grew up fine. Although I'm sad that I missed the birthing process, sometimes it's best to let nature take it's course.

    Let us all know how everything turns out! Feel free to pm me if you need any advice on raising the kittens. Like I said, I took care of Peanuts 5 babies for 8 months before 4 of them were given away.

    And I bet everyone would love to see pics of Bridges and the babies! :m7:
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    any updates???????????
  8. SweetSurrender

    SweetSurrender New Member

    NOTHING yet! Hah. They usually say when they start to lose appetite thats when they're getting ready, but for one day she was just so tired, she didnt feel like eating. She picked that right up today! Hahah! SHe's been eating like crazy!

    One thing that confuses me is, i read on multiple sites that around their 5th week is when they start to show, and their nips poke out. And I read on another site that it's 3 weeks. Well i notice her nips poking, and her tummy getting bigger on July 2nd.

    If that were the case, and it was 5 weeks...she's way overdue. But i assume its 3 weeks, because that adds up more. I counted days, and if she's in a regular 63 day gestation, she'll have the babies on tuesday sometime. OF course math isnt my best subject.

    I'll let you guys know as soon as she has them!

  9. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    What a beautiful Mommy!

    I hope she isn't overdue! But she'll have 'em when she has 'em.
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Feline gestation period can be between 58-70 days, one of my mums cats went 68days.

    The first signs of pregnancy is 3weeks after mating when there nipples are more pink and the surround hair thins allowing access to the nipples by the kittens.

    Movement of the kittens can be seen and felt from the 6-7 week after mating.

    If you noticed her nipples changing on the 7th of july that would mean she was mated anytime in the first week of june.
    This would make her due any time from the 20th of august give or take a few days.

    I found this website for you i hope it helps.

    Good luck and hope all goes well.


  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Aaw. What a cute little mommy kitty. I agree, she'll have them when it is her time. Would love to see pictures of the new kittens after they are born.
  12. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    She's a pretty girl, and so big! I wouldn't doubt sometimes this upcoming weekend. Please let us know and take lots of pictures!
  13. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi any signs of those kittens yet or is she still holding on


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