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kitten with broken tail/paralyzed bladder

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by n.south, May 29, 2005.

  1. n.south

    n.south New Member

    Almost three weeks ago my 7 month old calico kitten,Maia, was seriously injured in what the vet called tail pull. She is walking good, but I have to express her bladder 2 times per day, My vets initial outlook was good but now he is suggesting she may never recover. Has anyone gone through this experience? and how much time should I give her? Any advice would be very helpful as I am devastated.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, it's only slightly similar, but my 17 year old (who we recently lost to cancer) damaged her radial nerve rendering her left front leg completely paralyzed. Our first vet (who we no longer go to because he's incompetent and money hungry ) told us that there was no hope of her ever regaining use of that leg and we'd probably have to amputate it. But after just a few weeks of doing some physical therapy (moving the leg, stretching, range of motion, etc), she regained almost full use of it.

    Not sure how helpful that is, but it is possible for damaged nerves to heal to an extent. It really depends on how damaged the nerve is.

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    From what I know it can take a while for the nerve function to come back but there are also some medications that may help and a few other things you should be aware....when weve had a pet in that has to have its bladder experessed its usually more than twice a day and its not good to allow the bladder to become too distended...I found a link that has some interesting information specifically for 'tail pull'......

    http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Conten ... A=1322&S=2
  4. n.south

    n.south New Member

    kitten with paralyzed bladder

    Thank you for the information. Unfortunately it is not looking good for Maia, as it has been three weeks today since the accident and no respnse whatsoever. She is such a playful kitten and so full of life,she catches moles and mice and she has a best friend named "Spike" who is our orange tabby. We will probably give her one more week,hopefully something will change. Thank you
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry :( I really hope she will show signs of recovery soon, she sounds like a great girl.
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    poor baby.... :cry: who pulled her tail? they should know that what they did has had serious effects on your kitten life.
  7. n.south

    n.south New Member

    who pulled her tail?

    :cry:We do not know how this terrible thing happened as my husband and I were at work. It has now been over 8 weeks since the injury, the only progress is she goes in the garden or the litter box and digs and squats, nothing comes out. I don't know if this is memory or if she is starting to feel something. My husband is the optimist and says we can keep doing the bladder thing for along time. I don't ask the vet anymore because they have given up and want us to put her down.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Please go for a second opinion. Sometimes it takes a year for a bladder function to come back in certain cases.

    http://www.vetinfo.com/catortho.html#Tail amputation

  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    siamese rescue recently took in a cat whose tail was lost due to an injury (no idea what) and this kitty couldn't poop. They tried everything and finally rescue's vet removed a chunk of the cat's colon. Although when she has to go she HAS TO GO she is now going on her own.
    If you'd like any info I can find out more for you.
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I agree with getting a second opinion. Sometimes even getting a third opinion is good. I wish your kitty all the best.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree with getting another opinion, and I would seek out a neurology specialist.

    If your kitty wasnt squatting intially but now is, its possible that it could be habit/instinct but its also possible that there is some nerve function, maybe getting that feeling that she needs to go. Im not trying to get your hopes up, sometimes there can be some minimal progress but it doesnt improve on that but I do think its worth checking out with a specialist.
  12. yogi

    yogi New Member

    As someone who breeds Manx

    I can tell you that nerve issues when tails are concerned or lack of tails are concerned, due cause serious issues with bladder and rectum as well as intestine's. A second opinion would be advised. In Manx I have had kittens over the years that have developed issues pertaining to this and in a couple case's could not be resolved. Ohers have grown out of the condition but in a domestic cat generally there are ways so a second opinion would be advised. Good luck.
  13. n.south

    n.south New Member

    Thank you all for the information and good thoughts, I found Maia in a ditch when she was ONLY TEN DAYS OLD . We bottle fed her and she is truly our baby.Also last july I ran over and killed my 16 year old calico Gilda, she had half black,half orange face and so does Maia!Everyone said god sent an angel back to me to comfort me ,but i don't understand why he would take her away after only 9 months
  14. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    My aunt has a cat who lost her whole tail (minus a small stub) from a car accident where only her tail ended up being run over, her spine was also injured but recovered, she had bladder problems for about a year and then completely recovered! She lived to be 20 years old! Don't give up on little Maia!
  15. n.south

    n.south New Member

    Baby Maia is gone

    Just wanted to let those that have replied to me that I had Maia put to sleep last thursday. She got very sick with backup of fecal matter and urine.Worst thing I ever had to do, I miss her terribly. I had gotten a second opinion and that vet said the same thing, she was not going to recover. There is a huge hole in our hearts and in our family. she was with us for 9 months, she will be remembered forever
  16. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry. :cry:
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm sorry for the loss of your little one. :cry: *HUGS*
  18. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :( Very sorry for your loss.
  19. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i am sooo very sorry for what happened... my hearrt goes out to u... i know how it is when u bottle feed these lil guys and they truley become ur baby... we bottle fed 3 kittens only days old and i only have one left.. garfields is 2 years old now but his sister that we bottle fed was only around 9 months old when she died by some dogs... then his sister sassy also just died recently she woudl of been 2 years also.. it broke our hearts... i know exactly what u mean when u said that: "god sent and angle back to me to comfort me" my cat jason died of old age in "02" and then these 3 kittens came to us one of them (garfeild) looking almost just like my jason... i hate to think of the day that i will lose him.. it will completly tear me apart...i really do believe that he is my jason all over again.... its weird how things like that happen though... one minute ur upset that ur cat has passed and then all of a sudden another cat comes up that resembles the one that passed... but once again i am truley sorry for all this.. i know how hard it is... my prayers are w/ u...
  20. n.south

    n.south New Member

    Maia is gone , but not forgotten

    Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts ,it is hard to find comfort but it DOES help, I don't talk about the grief to anyone besides my sister because they are of the opinion of "it is just a cat" The vet who saw Maia from the start of her injury sent me a sympathy card which I thought was very nice. I miss her SOOOOO much, I have had cats all my life, And they do come and go, Maia was so different, she was special to me and at least I know we spoiled her rotten during her last 3 months on earth. I knicknamed her the "ice cream bandit" Where ever she was , she knew when I sat down with a bowel of ice cream cause she jumped in my lap and wanted some and I told her not to tell the other cats I let her eat some with me. Thanks again

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