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pneumonia-recovering but need info

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by NitaPepsi, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    Long story short, 8-1-05 we bought a puppy born 4-18-05. Within 12 hours, puppy has thick green discharge in eyes and out of nose. Took to Vet immediately and found out this pup had pneumonia. Nebulize treatment and antibiotics daily for 1 week. I give keflex antibiotics daily for 10days. X-rays by a 3rd vet on 8-12-05 still shows some fluid in his lungs and an unusual placed Thymus but the pup is getting better and should make a full recovery.

    Pet city will only cover $825.00 for medical expenses. We reached that the first week we had him. Pet City only will offer for us to turn the pup over to them, they will quarantine him, get him better and sell him to someone else. That new family will get the 1 1/2 times the price for vet coverage yet they will not let me re-purchase him when his lungs have cleared. Pet City has not put any signs up on the playpen that this pup was in with other dogs. Now all of those dogs are highly suseptable to the URI.

    I put a stop payment on my credit card on 8-3-05 and will not pay for the pup unless Pet city covers the medical expenses pertaining to this puppies pre-existing URI prior to my purchase. They told me he was vet checked and very healthy yet this pup was only examined by the vet 1 time in 4 weeks.

    I now have until this Monday 8-15-05 to turn the pup over or see them in court. How can I turn over a pup that is now part of our family and will not be cared for as well as we care for him?

    Is asking for more vet coverage too much to ask? Is there something else I can do to help with his medical costs for the URI. I would never have bought a pup that I could not neuter asap or one that is ill. I have a 6 yr old son that has had 6 major abdominal surgeries and have to explain to him that this pup he loves just cost too much to get healthy and we can't afford both our sons medical costs and now a sick puppies medical costs. Do we take the pup aware from our son and hope he gets over it someday? That just seems so unreasonable.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    HI and welcome =P~

    This is a tough situation. I think that I would accept the pet store's offer and set up a payment plan at the vet's for any remaining money owed. I don't think that I would return the puppy. I agree with what you said about the care it received before you got it. What would happen to it now?

    I would also chalk this up to experience--as to why to never buy a puppy from a pet sore. :0021: Fortunately this puppy seems to have found a caring home.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I just have a question, youve had this pup since April? and he still has not recovered??

    I agree with coppersmom, I would not take the pup back to the pet store.
  4. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    pneumonia-recovering but have questions

    We bought him 8-1-05 and saw the vet first thing 8-2-05. We live in California and I am looking into the California puppy lemon law. Pet city had him 4 weeks and I found out he was only checked 1 times. The law states once every 14 days. Our vet says if a vet would have looked in his ears and listened to his lungs, they could not have missed his illness.
    I just do not have the money, strentgh and energy to take this to court. I have a 6 yr old son with a rare intestinal order and can barely deal with that. This puppy was suppose to help our son mentally feel better for all the pain he has gone through. If I could only turn back the clocks, I would never have purchased him :(
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I would keep the puppy, he was obviosly sick when you got him from the store, giving him back will only cause you more heartache and probably mean more illness to the puppy, and they dont want to incure more medical bills, whats to say they just will put the puppy down? to me, they are admitting guilt since they are willing to pay you $825.00 in vet bills.

    I live in ca too and have gone to small claims, which is a fairly simple process and you can collect up to $5000 in damages. If you have all of your documentation showing the progression of his illness, the vet findings, etc. you have a good case.

    But first, I would start by righting a letter to the owners that you want the full payment, carefully state and document the illness, the vets comments along with something from them in writing about the illness, and about not being vet checked accoridng to ca laws, (also incldued a copy of this, say you want a response by this date and that if they dont ackkolwedge your request buy this date that you leave no other choice but to go to small claims court. and said it certified mail.

    Also go to the Better business bureau and your local animal control to see if they have been complaints in the past. this is good leverage and state this in your letter if you find anything too. Many pet stores have numeruous cimplaints and this could be one of them

    here is a good site

    http://www.nolo.com/article.cfm/ObjectI ... 4/294/ART/

    and ask you rvet to work with you on a payment plan, most are willing to do this

    and good luck

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, what honeybears said! Get your vet to write a letter stating that the puppy was obviously sick before you got him. Write your own letter stating exactly what happened with dates and procedures and how much money was charged. As honeybears says, write whatever you find out about the puppy laws and how they violated them (like not being checked by a vet at the store enough) and if you find any other complaints through the Better Business Bureau, note that as well. Then send it to the store and make sure you include in the letter that you will go to court if they don't pay for the medical bills. Sometimes the threat is enough to get some action.

    I'm sorry you and your poor puppy and son have to go through this. :cry:
  7. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    update on pneumonia-Pet City purchase

    Supposedly, my contact at Pet City was not aware of the California Lemon Law for puppy purchases. It clearly states that the puppies need to be checked by a vet every 15 days to confirm they are fit for purchase. This puppies last vet check was on 7-7-05. We bought him 8-1-05. Also, the medical history log states that he does not have earmites and his lungs were clear so obviously the pup became sick in their care at Pet City. The customer service rep is looking over the lemon law website and will call me back today. I told her I am just asking for x-rays, meds and vet checks until his lungs are clear and he has recovered fully. I can not get him neutered until his lungs are cleared. We have another male dog who is neutered and I don't want the fighting to happen.
    Wish me luck :) I know going to court could cause them fines and to not be able to sell animals for 30 days but I just can't handle anymore stress in my life right now.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Re: update on pneumonia-Pet City purchase

    If you have a good case though I would think it would be in their best interest to settle out of court....just a thought.
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I think you are doing the right thing, and with everything you are saying, I think pet city will see how far you are willing to take this and avoid a court situation with everything you have on them and will pay you bills.

    I would still also put in your own complaint to animal control about pet city so they have it on file. and since you have records that show the puppy didnt get the mandetory vet check up, that alone should have cause for them to do an onsite inspection. But I would do this after you settled with them, but if they arent willing to negoiate, I would do it right away.

    good luck

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