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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by BubbasNannie, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. BubbasNannie

    BubbasNannie New Member

    :cry: I purchased two oscar babys about two months ago. When I got them they were about a inch long. The lady at the pet store where I bought them told me a 10 gallon tank would do fine for approx 6 months with both of them. So I purchased two. For the first two - three days everything was beautiful they were healthy and happy. I fell head over hills in love with them. I couldn't imagine owning another fish they were so hilariously funny. The water started getting cloudy. I tried clear water, and the cloudiness was not going away. So I went to another pet store that the owner runs it himself. He knows practically everything there was to know about fish. He has been around forever. I told him the story and he said you can never keep two oscars in a 10 gallon tank. They are urinating to much and the problem is your ammonia levels. According to this test if you don't get your fish out of that tank ASAP they are going to die. So I purchased a 55 gallon tank set it up and began letting it filter for 3-4 days. In the meantime of setting up the 55 gallon tank I was removing some of the ornaments from the 10 gallon and at some point the bubble bar in the back of the tank came uncovered from the rocks. When I noticed it I quickly covered it back up but I had noticed on one of the fish it was like the skin on the bottom where his chest would be was like peeling off and on the other fish her eye was poped out huge and solid orange. I got very concerned. I read about it on the internet and have learned that it is pop eye due to bacteria or direct trauma. Its been a few weeks since that has happend they are now in there 55 gallon tank they were fine in the 55 gallon tank for a few days then I noticed the belly of the one fish was healed but the others eye had not healed so I went back to the pet store and he sold me antibotics to put in the water for 7 days straight he said that would cure the pop eye but not guarantee her sight back. Its been 6 days so far of putting the medicine in the tank. Her eye is no better, the water is so cloudy and both of the fish are laying on the bottom on their side all the time in the back cornor of the tank. Does anyone have any suggestions. I love these fish dearly. But, I am having such a difficult time with them.
  2. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Hi BubbasNannie, First, from the sound of it neither tank has been cycled. Try the following link for information about cycling a tank:
    Both problems that you are describing sound like bacterial problems. Pop eye disease is most likely bacterial caused by excess waste and/or food in the tank. The appearance of peeling skin sounds like a fungus, also bacterial.
    There are several things we need to know to be able to help.
    1) What medicataion have you been using in the tank
    2) What are your readings for ammonia, nitrItes, and nitrAtes
    3) What color is the cloudiness, white, green, brown, orange or amber
    4) Is foam beginning to develop on the top of the water
    5) Are you using any aquarium salt in the tank

    It would also be helpful to know what type filtration you are using, hang on back type filter, canister filter or undergravel filter.

    Off hand I can't think of any antibiotics with a 7 day regimen. Most are set on a 5 day regimen. Some antibiotics can become toxic over time requiring water changes to be done.
  3. BubbasNannie

    BubbasNannie New Member

    Thanks For The Responce!!!!

    I am VERY happy to inform everyone... I talked to a lady at the pet store that had a similiar situation happen to her. She told me to take 25% water change. The next day take 50% water change. And then the next day vaccum the gravel and continuously replace the water that I am vaccuming out. We did exactly that I and for those three days I stoped using the medicine. Almost immediatly I noticed a change. The water has been crystal clear every since. And the oscars are so playful and happy. They used to be very aggressive when someone went near the tank and they would hurry to hide. But now I will put my finger in and they rub their heads on my finger. They are constantly jumping.. And cnstantly doing flips and tricks trying to get attention needless to say they love their clean tank!!!! The med I was giving them was primafix, it was a grayish color cloud.. It almost looked like there was billowy clouds in the water, I have a 60 gallon hang on filter. All of the test readings were off the charts... Just to let everyone know the conditions in case it happends to you. Oh and the most important part. Since their tank has cleared up Drews eye has healed its back to it normal size the swelling has gone away the bright orange in that one eye is still there BUT THE GOOD THING IS SHE CAN SEE! Before I would put my finger to the glass and she would not see it now she hurrys to rub against the glass. :eek: :p :eek:
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I'm happy to hear they're doing better, but you should know that a 55 will only last you a few more months for the 2 oscars. If you want to keep them both, you're going to need at least a 100 gallon tank. If you can't do that, then I strongly recommend returning one of them.

  5. BubbasNannie

    BubbasNannie New Member

    Thanks Chelle For All The Help!!!

    :eek: I do know that I am going to need a bigger tank. I already had the 55 gallon tank at my moms. I am staying with my mom right now. She is keeping one here and I'm taking one with me when I move into my new house in a month or so I have a 150 Gallon tank there. I would like to keep them together as long as possible they are so cute. They cuddle and depend on each other for everything. But I am going to keep one tank already set up and cycled for when they start fighting. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all your help and advise.

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