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Need Someones Help LOL

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone, Well its not very often i have a question but maybe someone can help me out.

    Well my Pup Ice for the past 2 weeks has the most foul smelling wind.
    I have not changed her diet everything is still the same apart from now she eats more obviously because she is now growing.

    Is there anyway i can get rid of all this gas Mitzy has wind but she does not smell Like this lets just say a sewage works smells sweeter lol.

    Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's a tricky one. Bonnie sometimes has the most noxious smells, although she seems to be better lately. Nala was AWFUL on Innova but we switched to Healthwise and she did better.

    I guess the only thing I can think of is trying to change food and see if it helps. Or maybe try an enzyme supplement to aid in digestion? Yeah, that might be the way to go. Here's one, although I have never heard of it before: http://www.dinovite.com/products/html/digest.html. I know some people here use Nzymes, but I'm not finding a web page at the moment.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Thanks jamiya i will give anything a try as the smell is enough to make you want to throw up its awful.

    Will keep you posted of how she gets on and what i have tried

    Thanks again
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Could be the food, could be if shes eating too fast and swallowing a lot of air, if shes doing that (sometimes having multiple pets will cause one or more to eat faster so there is no chance of the other(s) getting it....even if the other(s) have never attempted to take the food) but if that is the case then you can either seperate them at feeding time....opposite ends of a room or in different rooms, or give smaller frequent amounts. Something that Ive heard can work to help at least cut down on the amount of gas and/or reduce the smell is a teaspoon of low fat plain yoghurt, it should eat up some of the bacteria in the gut and intestines.
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Intestinal gas is essentially created by undigested "food". It could either be the type of food or a medical problem. I put food in parentheses because it could be something you dog is eating besides it's regular diet. Rawhide chews are notorious for creating gas. I have also found that tennis ball bits, paper envelopes, sticks, cat poop, and shoestrings also can wreak havoc for a few days.
    Since you have not altered her diet I would trace down what else she is snacking on between meals.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Speaking of snacking, I wonder if my dogs are snacking on slugs in the backyard. I didn't realize we had them until I saw some the other day. Is there a way to get rid of the slugs that won't harm the dogs?
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet the beer attracts the dogs, too. :)

    My sister's Golden drank beer that someone set down at a party. She was miserable for about two days, and won't touch it now even if you put it in her water bowl. :lol:

    Thanks for the sluggo tip. I'll be passing it on to the man of the house, because slugs most definitely fall into the "man's work" category, in my way of thinking.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So here I was thinking....'arent slugs supposed to be a good source of....something???, protein/nutrients' and I went and did a little research. I did not know that they are a major source of passing on heartworm to dogs in the south east part of the UK, almost all the info I found is from UK, I could only find one or two sites with information on in the US (I automatically get connected to google.co.uk).
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What?! They pass on heartworms? Ack! Well, that's just swell.
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    In Germany they did a lot of the beer to catch slugs, snails and slimy things.
    Mike-could it be an allergy/ I know in people your body chemistry can change every 7 years and something you were allergic to, you might not be anymore or vice versa, so maybe she is now allergic to something in the food.
    DeLaUk, I have that same problem on msn, yahoo, google all those, you can change it on google (I still haven't figured out a way to do it for the others). you have to change your preferences or when you search for something make sure you use and "american" word or symbol, ie $$ if soemthing on the page might be for sale or favor vs favour. but send me a pm and I'll tell ya how to swithc your preferences (I can't think right now)
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry Jamiya, didnt mean to make you panic, this will no doubt be a research task for the weekend. What I have also found out is that theres a connection with foxes and the slugs being at the feces????? need to read more on it (snails also) Im on my way out for the evening and I will get some more info but if you go into google and put in 'slugs+heartworm+UK' you might get some info. There was something about a vet in NY area but I didnt get chance to read that yet.
    Lil I will be in touch over the weekend, I like google.co.uk but Id like to get google.com also, they do bring up different pages. Not much good if Im looking for info specifically in US :?

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