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what kind of crate do you like?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 19, 2005.


What kind of crate have you had the most success with?

  1. Plastic, enclosed crate that creates the feeling of a den

    0 vote(s)
  2. Wire crate that the dog can see out of better

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am trying to decide what crate would be best for a foster. Naturally it depends on the individual dog, but I was wondering if one type tends to work better than another.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I have always wondered that and didnt vote since I dont crate.
    I like the idea of the wire ones since we had company who brought their dog and their which wire crate collapses so easy and also sets up the same way. but then the plastic crates seem like they would like it better, like a cozy cave.

    I think for a foster, they would like the plastic/cave feeliing better
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Whenever Ive used the all wire crates Ive found that Ive often had to put a towel or blanket over the top and sides to settle the dog down a little, I think when they can see all around them it makes them either more anxious to get out or if other dogs are around can maybe make them feel more vulnerable. I know that if there are other dogs, people etc around they dont have to be able to see them to know they are there but I think the visual can make a difference in how they respond/react.
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I prefer the plastic crates. When we visit my anut and uncle in New Jersey we never bring our plastic crate so we use an old wire crate they used when their dogs were small. I find it usually takes Rocky longer to calm down, if at all, and I usually end up putting a towel over it which helps hims a little.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well, that's good news since I happen to have a spare plastic crate!

    I use wire crates for my dogs. I think they like to be able to see us at night. But they are used to the crates and not nervous, foster dogs.

    So, during the day when we aren't home, my dogs are gated into the family room. I am going to crate the foster dog when we are not home. Should the crate be in a back room that is quiet and otherwise empty of animals? Or should the crate be put where the foster can see the other dogs and know he/she is not alone (and may end up with a cat sitting on it, LOL)? I'm thinking back room?
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, what kind of foster are you getting??
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I like the back room idea, I know with my dog he gets very agitated if he's crated and people or other animals are around and he can't play with them.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Im thinking probably the back room, the foster dog will know your dogs are around but if he/she can see yours playing/interacting and not crated it could get the foster dog a little excited and more likely to want out of the crate.

    Just a tip if the foster dog is a little nervous, being in a strange place can be a bit overwhelming, I usually leave a radio on, just as a bit of background noise (not loud). Usually its only for the first couple of days when I go out, sometimes at night also, depends on the dog. Ive done this for fosters, dogs in for training and dogs I adopt. Country music seems to be the preference :D no sudden bursts of heavy rock or rap.....and Id never subject a dog to that ongoing monotonous beat of house music or techno....Id be worried about damaging the dog psychologically :shock:
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't know yet what I am getting! I am fostering for the Heart of America Humane Society (http://www.heartofamericahs.org/). They get their dogs from two local shelters - one in Missouri and one in Kansas. They said they were really needing more foster homes in Kansas. I just got my approval from the state to be a foster home.

    My understanding is, I will go to PetCo on Saturday (they have their adoptions there every Saturday afternoon) and if I see a dog that I want to foster, I bring it home! The shelters DO run out of room, so dogs WILL be put down, which usually induces the foster people to say, "Sure, I'll take that dog!" I'm going to try for a relatively easy one to start with and work up from there, most likely taking breaks in between so my dogs remain happy.

    I am nervous and trying to figure out logistics and stuff. And trying not to be nervous so my dogs don't pick up on it.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmm. The contact person just wrote back and said she prefers wire crates kept in the room with the other dogs. LOL. Exact opposite of what we all decided. I guess I'll just try things and see what works!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I would use the wire, here's my reasoning.

    You can always cover it up to get the "den" feeling.

    that and the dog can see out and "learn" his or her routine.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They just told me they have some crates I can borrow, so I can get a wire one if needed. My wire ones are currently in use. :)
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther prefers the wire, he will not get in his plastic without freaking out, I have pretty much given up on the idea of the plastic for him. I also like the wire better because it provides breathability. When I think of being in the plastic it makes me feel closterphobic, but sometimes I would put an old lace tablecloth on the wire one. But I think the wire is way better. But if you plan on air traveling, you have to have the plastic.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lil, I wonder if luther is freaked on the plastic because he had to be in it for his place ride.

    Jimiya, cant wait to hear what you get, and good luck

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