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up- date on Precious

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sweething852002, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I got an e-mail from someone who wants to help my cat Precious. She left me a number to call her at. So I called her when I got home. I didn't know what to say. I just said "Hi my name is Michelle. I'm the one with the cat." :p Silly me. I'm not much of a convo person. Don't know have to answer phones or even call people. She immediately knew who I was. She asked me if I was the one her and her friend was sending e-mails to. She told me that I will have to make sure it is ok with my parents that I go. Of course I only have one parent... my father. If it's ok with him I can go with her and my cat Precious. If not then she will just take Precious with her. I feel so much better now. Couldn't help but to have a few tears after hanging the phone up. I really hate seeing my cat the way she is now. She is now blank staring at a coat of mine in the closet. Maybe she wants to see if she has x-ray vision. lol I know she is miserable. I should save my 20 dollar bill for the lady. Gas money for transportation. Even if she doesn't stop for gas. I should be getting a pay check friday from a place. It will not be much. I'll take that with me too. If my dad refuses she will just take my cat with her. I'll give her the 20 dollars for transportation (gas money) When she comes back I will probably give her more money for what ever the bill might be. I stress that I will pay her back.... I hope she doesn't refuse cause it does make me feel guilty when people go out and pay for things for me.
  2. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    I've been following your posts about your kitty and I just wanted to say that I hope it goes the way you want it to. I know how hard it is when the love for your baby sometimes goes way deeper than your pockets. I know you're trying your best. Sometimes, you just have to ask for help or take the help that is given. Don't feel guilty about it. Just feel thankful and save your kitty.
  3. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    Thank you rowdy. :cry: Not feeling too great right now. Tired to talk to my dad. Started out calm then he just started arguing with me. He told me to just forget about my cat. I'm not gonna forget about her. He thinks those people are gonna get me into trouble. I know he willnot leave me alone about it. He told me if anything falls on me not to put anything on him. I told him I won't do that. If they want to put me in jail because I can't get my own cat to the vet then so be it. Precious use to be my older sister's cat but she left Precious here when she moved out so she just suddenly became mine. Been her care taker since I was 8 years old. My dad is really mad at me right now. She needs help. I can't just forget about her. I will remember how Im' being treated. My cat is gonna go to the vet. I'll post after saturday for an up-date
  4. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    up-date lol. I know it's not saturday yet. Bad news. I got a call from that lady and she said she was not able to make the appointment saturday. Good news that tune out the bad.... she said that we can take Precious to the vet Thursday at 6pm. That is the best time and the soonest she can make it as it is convient for everyone. It wasn't for me for a second there. I just talked to my boss and she said it's ok I'll just give thursday to the other new girl since she just started today. Woo hoo!. I called my other job and told them if they still need someone saturday on the day i was suppose to go in I'll go in to work. She said that she has someone for it but she will call the girl who is working saturday and see if she wants the day off. If she does then she will call me back and let me work that saturday. Sooo far soo good. Just not the stress part. :eek: I'm getting somewhere taking action for my precious kitty Precious. Her name use to me Maliki.. did i spell that right. My sister named her that. I just always called her Precious cause it sounded better and she was female. Maliki sounds male.
  5. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I have an up-date on Precious. I got back from the vet almost 2 hours ago. The lady who took me was very very sweet. She said my cat seems to be happy with me and she is at a good age. The vet said the skin condition could be from many things. Allergies of fleas, could be thyroids, could be diabetes. She seems to be a bit skinny and it's unusual since she is eating good. She is just a tiny bit dehydrated but not as bad. They said that she may have tape worms, the mass on her face could be a tumor or cancer but they can't say for sure. It's not attached. With it being there for about a year and it not being attach is a good sign but the mass still is something to be concerned about. They took some blood from her for testing. They gave her rabie shots which is good for one year. They will call me tomorrow for the blood test results so they will not where to go from here. I got some meds for her. Some steroids. It's like a light steroid just incase if she has diabetes. I got a pill to give her too. It's only a one time thing. They hope to see her skin get better and the mass shrink down a bit. They also said it sounded like she has a small heart murmur. I didn't hear anything about ear mites. So far I had taking the very first leap for her recovery. :eek: Thank you guys for putting up with me. The next visit will be sometime in 2 weeks. I have to contact tina with the results and e-mail debra about how it went.
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great news :D I hope everything continues uphill from here!
  7. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    This morning I was having a hard time being awake at 7am since I stayed up late last night to about 3am. What can I say... I had a great conversation with a very good friend on the phone then online. Any way. First thing that came to mind was steroids. I got up went down stairs to the frig and grabbed the liquid steroids. Went to my room and put my cat in the head lock using one finger to pry her mouth open while I dropped the meds in her mouth. I tilt her head back when I do it so she has not choice but to swallow. She didn't dribble any of it or spit any of it out. She's sooo good. I went back to bed till 9:30am Then first thing came to mind about her one time pill deal. My older brother was up so I asked him if he could hold her. She kind of gave me a bit of a hard time getting her mouth opened. I laid the pill on her tongue best I could but then it endded up being between her front teeth. She was holding it tight. I got her mouth opened again and the pill kept falling to the side of her mouth. I made sure it didn't make it to the floor where the dogs were. They were all in the way trying to eat the pill themselves. :p I then was able to push it to the back of her tongue. I noticed her tongue moved alot when I was holding her mouth opened. I didn't even have to rub her neck to get her to swallow. After that I let her finish drinking her water cause this morning she was yelling of it. Doc told me she might drink alot more and pee more because of the steroids. She seems even more perky last night than was she was yesterday morning. Right now she's resting. Might be because I had to wrestle her. She was soo good last night. didn't even flench when they took her temp from the south side. :p She started to get all lovable with me and the lady who took me there. She stretched a few times while on the table. I think the most scarest thing for her was the car ride. She seemed to know that she is being helped. She didn't put up too much of a fight with strangers touching her, poking her and squeesing her. I woiuld type more but I just realized the time. i have to go to work Imma be late.
  8. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    I have another up-date on Precious. I got a call from the vet and they said that the blood test result was normal. She has no thyroid problems or diabetes. She does however have an infection. They want me to call them back monday and let them know how her skin is doing and all. I may need to make another appointment for her. It will be 2 thursdays from now. So far I'm happy with the results.
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's good to hear that they were able to rule out some things. Is she on antibiotics for the infection?

    Good luck with everything!
  10. sweething852002

    sweething852002 New Member

    No not yet. I will be taking her back in two weeks for a follow up.
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I'm glad you finally helped your baby. Congrats!
  12. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i have been reading this from the very first post and im sooo happy that there is nothing serious!!!! how is ur dad now is he still making a fuss?

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