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New Rescue... Meet Poor Rose

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. so its not a dog. But she's as sweet as one, and wants nothing but love and attention, and by her desposition, you'd swear she was mans best friend. Even after the horrible life people have given her, she's still willing and loving, and will lay in your lap if you let her.

    On the hennekee scale, she's a 1. She spent the last few days at the vets office trying to get her well enough to come home. And here she is. Her spirit in her eyes burns like a raging fire, and her will to live is as strong as the grace of God.

    She had some extensive dental work done, and her feet are soo long they are causing some laminitis. So today all she wasnts to do is stand in the shade with the breeze blowing onher.

    here's our lovely Rose.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    People are so horrible. :cry:

    Congrats on your new baby! I'm sure you'll have her fattened up in no time. Give her a pat for me!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We hope! She tried to go down earlier, and I went and got her back up. She's just not feeling good at all today. The vet said he was feeding her a whole scoop of Equine senior twice a day.. so that might have taken a shock to her system.... he should have known that was too much...

    She need several small meals aday. And we're soaking it in warm water. But she's refusing to eat more than a bite at time.

    But I'm sure its because of her dental work and her feet are hurting.

    Sad part is... she's in the peak of her life...
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Congrats on your new addition, hopefulyy her full recovery will be swift. :y_the_best:
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG Sam, how can anyone treat a horse like that! :( :( :( at least she is in loving hands now and praying for a full recovery
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :( Oh wow. That's very sad. I hope she perks up and pulls through. I'll be thinking about yall.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    OMG how could anyone do that to a horse, Well atleast she has you to help her recover and she will soon be back to her normal weight and happy again.

    You can see she is a fighter from the look in her eyes she is not going to give up.

    Please keep posting pics, She is just adorable.

    Your one in a million Sam :y_the_best: :y_the_best: :y_the_best: :y_the_best:

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks guys. Its amazingthe cruelty of some people. And yet how willing this Angel is to let us do all the necessary treatment even though she doesn't like it.

    She finally ate yesterday. I soaked her feet and groomed her for about 2 hours... when I quit brushing, she tried to bite at me as if to say, "HEY!! Dont' quit!!!"

    then she ate really good.... and again today.. she won't eat so we're force feeding her baby food. mainly carrott and applesauce. We gave her some new meds and broke her fever, she had 102 this morning... so hopefully she'll perkup again and eat like she did yesterday afternoon..

    Here's some more photos of her "pampering" yesterday.

  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She's gone.

    She passed away at 2:48pm today.
    She was in the pasture grazing and fell. Aparently she reached the final stages of kidney failure and had a grand-mal siezure and died with in a few moments.

    She will be missed very dearly. As for now... I belive I'm taking a break from all this. Thats two deaths this month. First Monica the donkey now Rose.....

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry Sam, I hope whoever caused this poor animal to suffer gets what they deserve.

    One thing to remember atleast she has sometime with a loving caring person like yourself atleast she went with happy thoughts, Well thats what i like to think anyway.

    Your in my thoughts and prayers

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks Mike.

    The information I got was that her real name was Sarah, and she raised many grandkids. Apparently the owner was an older lady.

    Still that doesn't mean crap to me. I don't care if it was a child. they should have know that, "hey, she doesn't look so good, hmmm I can't help her, maybe I should call someone that can!!" But no, people are sooo friggin ignorant and stupid that they would rather her suffer and die a long and cruel death.

    But she was loved dearly. I had already disgussed with my mother and the "powers that be" in LSER, that I was gonna take her home when she was well enough. God took her home first though. I'm thankful to him for that. She can be fat and healthy now in that great big pasture in heaven.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh Sam, at least she spent her final hours being so loved by you, and ther final memories fwere good ones of you taking care of her

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