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is there such a thing as too many dogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Luvmyyorkiebichons, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Luvmyyorkiebichons

    Luvmyyorkiebichons New Member

    I've been lurking on this forum for and find it very informative. I have 4 dogs. A chocolate lab who will be 2, a golden retriever lab mix, who is 1 then two yorkie chon puppies that will be 1 in the next few months. I don't know what my problem is but I now want a yorkie maltese. I am a stay at home mom of three and my youngest will be in school all day this year. My dogs are rarely left alone and all have been either spayed or nutered. They have all there shots and I feel I give them 100% care and love. Does anyone else have alot of dogs? I did decide last year that I was done having kids, that seems to be when I decided to get more then just our chocolate lab. I had a stillborn baby between my son and youngest and I don't know if that between ending my childbearing years had anything to do with it. I told myself last night that no I would not go and look at the puppies tomorrow night but today I'm full steam ahead with getting another. Am I crazy? lol My kids would be fine with it. Husband thats questionable, the rest of my friends and family will probaby have me commited. Hope I didn't scare anyone on my intro... Kathy
  2. Luvmyyorkiebichons

    Luvmyyorkiebichons New Member

    I should also mention that I am nutts for my small dogs. The yorkie maltese is even smaller and sooo cute. My only female dog is the chocolate lab, the rest males. I want a female this time. All my dogs are good tempered.
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member


    I think as long as you're able to provide all of you dogs with the attention and care that they need then there really is not a set number that is too many. One of my friends has 5 dogs (a Chow, a Beagle, a Australian Cattle Dog, a Border Collie, and a Border Collie mix).

    Before getting another dog though I would first check with the pet laws in your city to see if they restrict the number you are allowed to own. I know where I live you can only have 5 of either/ or a combination of dogs, cats and ferrets and you can't have more than 3 dogs.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    when I was a kid we had 13 dogs, 5 chis, 3 shitzus, 5 poos. and pigs, sheep, goats, and cows I also had 6 brothers and sisters! and several foster brothers and sisters! I never thought anything of it, but now that i just live with me and my husband 1 dog and 1 cat, I don't know how we did it! There is always so much hair, walking, dog food... etc.
    Props to you for being able to pull all that off, I couldn't!
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    At one time, I had 10 dogs, 2 cats, 2 parrots, a gerbil, 3 horses, a goat, 4 rabbits, 2 kids, and a whole bunch of fish. So I guess 4 dogs doesn't sound like too many to me.

    The biggest concideration would be; Can you afford the food, vet bills, grooming, and other expenses of another dog?
  6. Luvmyyorkiebichons

    Luvmyyorkiebichons New Member

    Thank you for the welcome and responses... I'm on hold now for he other puppy. I have 4 great wonderful dogs that I love and I guess really wasn't thinking to clear. Honestly, the desire is still there but the rational mind kicked in. When in doubt don't do it right? Thanks again for the support.. :D

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