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Anyone know of Diabetic testing kits?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Anyone know of a way of checking a cat's blood-sugar like human's do? (I mean other then having to take him to the Vet and Stress out for a 12 hour curve!?!)
    please let me know if you know of anything or heard of a product.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I had a a diabetic cat, even though he was on insulin, he didnt need to be tested, but the vet said if ever got to that point you take the paper strips for people tht they stick in their urine and you stick it under the cat while they are peeing

    thats the only thing I know

  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if you can find a way to keep your cat still while you try to get some blood then i guess you could get a human blood sugar machine?

    i just found something here.. http://www.felinediabetes.com/bg-test.htm

    i dont know why alot of vets dont recommend home testing. human diabetics sometimes need to test more than 5 times a day if their sugars are erratic. so how on earth can vets tell what the right balance of medication is if they only do a blood test every so often?
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ive heard the urine sticks are pretty good for cats. Just a little info though on home testing kits for pets, its not the same as testing on humans, Ive spent years working with dogs and cats (and the occasional ferret) trying to get blood from them to do curves etc, cats are probably the hardest, my own dog persevered with me sticking needles in her for 2 years to check her blood glucose levels, some start off okay but they get to a point were they see that syringe, stick or monitor and run. As for cats...unless you have a very tolerant submissive cat your not going to have an easy time sticking it, whether thats going for a vein or a pad prick, your going to get scratched or possibly bitten, and if your going for a vein then you really need to know what your doing and have someone restraining the cat that knows what they are doing. This is the reason that vets dont recommend home testing on pets, especially cats.
    Another thing with diabetic cats is that its not easy to get an accurate read, even on a 24 hour curve because of the stress level, even cats that appear to be calm once in the hospital still have stress, that'll kick in the second someone restrains them....after 2 or 3 blood tests the stress will kick in as soon as you head towards the cage, this is why vets will usually start off with a low dose of insulin and work their way up gradually, often it'll start at about 2 or 3 units and increase 1 unit at a time until they get an acceptable dose.

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