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garfield and vicks vapor rub

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok most of u know that i bottle fed garfeild and his sisters since they were maybe a week old... anyhow since he has been off the bottle he tries to nurse on my neck (when i bottle fed him i always had him close to my chest/ neck) he will put his paws around my beck like hes trying to hugg me and start pawing away and trying to suck on my neck... well hes 2 years old now as of july and he is still doing this but not as bad!!! well my son is in school now and has already came home w/ a cold sooo who gets it next???? ME!! im a total baby when i get sick soo yesterday when my son was at school i layed around all day, i was soo stuffed up so i reached 4 the vicks vapor rub..i havent used vicks since i have had garfeild sooo this was the first time... well i rubbed some on my chest and layed back and was watching tv when here come garfeild running though the house like a mad kitty and just ploped right on top of me and started purring soo loudly and pawing me very hard. he was sniffing everywhere liek he was looking for something sooo i ended up falling asleep and woke up to garfield trying everything he could to get under my shirt to where i had rubbed the vicks... he was trying to scratch my shirt off!!!!! soooo last night i couldnt sleep 4 anything soo i thought i shut my door all the way and rubbed some vicks on and here comes garfeild running down the hall sitting at the door crying soo loud... i didnt let him in, i needed some sleep,,, some how he got in and i ended up getting maybe 3 hours of sleep last night.. i know that that stuff cannot be in any way good 4 them but what is w/ my cat????????? has anyone else went though that??
  2. eman

    eman New Member

    i went and got some vicks and put on my hand and let Max smell it, cuz i wanted to know what he would do. he did the open mouth sniff and ran away and hid. loool i guess he didnt like the smell at all :mrgreen:
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    LOL :D
    Copper does that with Icy Hot or any arthritis rub stuff! He will roll around and yowl like he's drunk. I figured it was because catnip and mint are in the same family. I don't know about menthol though...I'll have to test the vicks.
  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    hummmm.....never got any icy hot around garfeild and im kinda afraid to now...lol...i used a humidifier last night when i went to sleep instead of even trying the vicks, cause i knew if i used it he would be messin w/ me all night soooo i used that and he would not leave my room all night he was on my bed pawing like crazy and sucking all over my sheets and pillows he was going nutts.. it was kinda funny though to sit and watch him...he had this serious look on his face and when i tried to cuddle w/ him he just got up and went on doing what he was doing, and that is sooo not like garfield to not wanna cuddle...hes sooo crazy!!!! :D
  5. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    That's so funny. Luna goes crazy for the smell of peppermint, and has been known to attack the candy dish when it has been freshly filled with Pep-O-Mint Lifesavers. I don't use Vicks, but I bet Luna would be intrigued by it if it has mint in it.

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