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Any clues to lost appetite??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by faeriedust1127, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Hey guys, I wanted to get some ideas from you all about reasons why a cat would lose their appetite all of the sudden. Don't worry, Vianne is fine, I'm actually asking for a friend.

    My dad's friend called him last night worried about their 13yr old cat, Tessa becuz she has suddenly stopped her normal eating habits over the past few days and they are worried that she is on her way out. I talked to the owner this morning and told him to have his GF help him gather more info like, how often she eats and how much, what different things they've tried to get her to eat and her bathroom habits.

    He said that she's doesn't seem in pain at all and she doesn't mind being rubbed on the belly or anything and as far as he knows, her stool seems fine, but will double check that with his GF and take a record of it today. He says she will eat only a couple bites of food and then walk away, but mostly only eats treats, not her regular food. They are feeding her Deli-Cat and Pounce treats, canned Fancy Feast and have tried offering her tuna fish, but she doesn't even want that. He also says she has lost some weight and just lays in one spot of the house all day and hardly moves and won't play anymore, but she still purrs and seems happy when they pet her. Of course I told him that they should make her a vet appointment, but today is Sunday.

    So other than something like rotten teeth or some intestinal inflammation or something, or URI, or being poisoned, why else do you all think she might not be eating? Is it ok to wait to make her appointment til tomorrow or should they hit the panic button and take her to an Emergency Vet?? Her finicky eating has been going on for the past 5 days and they said she's never done this before. No big changes at home as far as i know. She's the only pet in the house and no one else is there but my dad's friend and his GF. Also she has been using her litter box ok and not going in the house, but he said she seemed like she was having trouble with a hairball the other day and couldn't get it up. She's a long haired cat that refuses to be brushed, so hairballs have always been a problem for her apparently. Any advice? They are supposed to call me later tonight when they get home. Other than the possibilities I mentioned before, any other ideas why she would lose her appetite? I can't look over the cat cuz she lives in another state, but any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanx guys!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    To be honest....I would take the cat to a vet today if possible, the first thing that came to my mind was kidney problems, considering her age, the lack of appetite but will still eat a few different things (picky), weight loss, that said the other things youve mentioned are also possibilities, if her teeth are painful though I would imagine eating anything at all would be just as uncomfortable, a blockage (hairballs) is she vomiting? a partial blockage could be a possibility if she isnt vomiting. URI? any sneezing, coughing, any discharge from eyes or nose? is she still drinking? is she dehydrated?.....I really think the vet would be the best option here. (just my opinion)
  3. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    All I can think of is the obvious: have they changed her food lately?

    Or (i doubt this but), maybe she's tired of her food?? Sherbert gets tired of his food (wet food) and will refuse to eat if I give him the same flavor too many times in a row. Then he'll be trying to get into my Bunny's food.
  4. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    I would probably say wait until tomorrow, unless she takes a turn for the worst. If she's eating, keeping it down, and drinking, you're probably okay or one more day. Is she urinating and having regular bowel movements that look healthy(not watery, different color, etc)? Has the weather changed lately? Sometimes weather changes affect a cat's eating habits. her teeth could be bothering her, since she is an older cat. Does she eat more of the softer food? Or is it this way with all food?
    Other than that, the hairball that she couldn't get up could be sitting in her stomach, making it feel like her stomach is full(or did she get it up already?).
    Best of luck, hope it isn't something serious and keep us updated!
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    She never got the hairball up and they never mentioned anything strange about her bathroom habits. I got a call again tonight and they are gonna take her in to the vet in the morning. I'm guessing its a hairball issue, possibly combined with something else and yea, she's gettin up there. They said she's been drinking quite a bit, but isnt really interested in any food at all, canned or dry, but the occasional Pounce treat. I really don't think they have any idea about her teeth, they just figured the last time she was at the vet a few months ago that they woulda said something if there was a problem, but who knows. I don't think they've really looked. I told her mommy to try giving her some chicken broth with Nutrical if she's taking fluids. She wanted to give her a load of hairball paste, but i told her to hold off til they find out what the real problem is.....since her Pounce treats are the hairball formula and thats all shes been nibbling at anyway. They are sposed to call me back after the vet visit and let me know. I'll tell u as soon as i get more info. Tahnx for the replies everyone!
  6. RavenWolf

    RavenWolf New Member

    What happened to your friends kitty??
    I am going thru the same thing now.
    Its not kidney or liver problems....I',m waiting to see what they say.
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry i forgot to update! :oops: Anyway, it turned out she had some internal inflammation and they gave her some steroids or something, but she is fine now. I didn't get too many details and not sure as to the cause, but apparently she's back to normal now.....tho she really is an odd cat to begin with, lol. One of the few cats i have met that did not endear herself to me in any way, lol. She's a strange cookie!

    Whats wrong with your kitty?
  8. RavenWolf

    RavenWolf New Member

    Well the latest on my kitty...is they thought it was a tumor, but its not. Turns out on the Xray is some sort of calcified cyst. Nothing that would cause her to not eat.
    They did additional blood work, and I previously had a blood panel done 4 weeks ago at her reg. check up and it was normal. Now, her liver values are elevated. But again....this could be caused from her not eating.
    SOoooooo...they are putting a feeding tube in, and doing an aspiration of her liver so they can rule out some things, without putting her through any type of major surgery. I keep thinking, that its something simple, like her teeth, cause she doesn't want to eat food, but will lick whip cream off my finger.. Thats all i know.....they are doing this today, so i should know by late afternoon i hope. In the meantime....I am a wreck.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    we'll keep up positive thoughts for your kitty
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    ... and lots of HUGS. :m10:
  11. RavenWolf

    RavenWolf New Member

    Well...we took her home last nite. Spoke with the vet on the phone yester. aftenoon. The liver aspiration came out she has lipodosis. Which as I am sure you all know is a fatty liver. Now that can be caused from her not eating, and it is reversible. BUT.....that does not answer why she stopped eating in the first place. So..we are playing a wait and see game. We picked her up last nite.
    They gave us a bag of meds, food, suringes, etc. Her little feeding tube is by her neck wrapped with a bandage. So Hubby and I put our heads together and set up our schedule. She has to be fed 4 X a day, with various meds in her food. Each feeding takes approx. 20 min. then flush with water. Been there done that. I have 2 pages of instructions. What really pissed me off: was the Dr. was not in last nite, and i spoke with the original intern i met the first time.
    We got in the examing room, and she did not offer any advice on what to do. She just said.""did you read everything""" So being the bold bitch that i am...i started with a thousand questions...she was very blah, blah blah. Hubby said "" I should be the vet"" as i seemed to know more than her
    This morning...she seems a little bit more alert...I have her in a guest room separated from the other kitties. She uses the litter box, but shes laying on her bed, and you can tell she doesn't feel that great. She tolerates the feeding tube very well. I have to have her re-evaluated in 5 days...so we shall see. She also may have a bladder infection, will know that in a day or 2. Does anyone know if a bladder infection can do that to your appetite??? Thanks for listening to me rant.!!!

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