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The Boys Visit to Camp Canine

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    All went well and they will go back in mid-September for a weeks stay. Here's the set up. You enter on a long drive with a pen on your right that contains two pigs, two goats, a cow and a longhorn steer. On the left is a pasture with two horses. At the end of the drive is an automatic gate that the owner Michelle opened when she saw us coming. Through that gate is an area about 1 1/2 acres with trees and a nice pond, all securely fenced. We let the boys out and they immediately began to explore. Duke romped all over checking out every thing while Freckles, as expected, was much more cautious. Then Duke saw one of the horses grazing right next to the fence. He went crazy barking and every hair on his back was up. When I hollered at him Michelle said not to worry as the horse was used to it and sure enough it didn't even stop grazing to look at Duke.
    Duke finally tired and came running back.
    We then went into the "bunkhouse" for a look. Michelle also fosters and her current charge was a German Shepherd mix that looked like a gray and black version of Tramp from Lady and the Tramp. She let him out to run with Duke and Freckles. Behind the bunkhouse is another two acres that the dogs can run around in by going through a pet door. There were three other dogs romping out back.
    We then peeked into the swimming pool area which is enclosed in a screen cage. Michele said they always let the dogs swim when she and her husband go for a dip.
    Back out front Duke, Freckles and the Tramp then hit the pond for a swim. At the far end of the pond one pig and two of the goats came up to watch. I thought Duke would again set off but to my surprise he totally ignored them. Even the longhorn didn't seem to worry him but every so often both Duke and Tramp would stop by to bark at the horse. Freckles did find the goats interesting but he didn't bark, he just starred intently at them through the fence.
    Michelle only takes up to ten dogs at a time and September is a slow time so she doesn't expect to be boarding that many when the boys go for their week.
    At the end of their stay they will each get a complimentary bath. I had to pat $50.00 for manditory baths at the other kennel.
    If this first stay goes OK then this will become their regular kennel for extended stays. It took about an hour to drive down but it will be worth it knowing the boys will be having so much fun. Michelle may even turn them into a couple of farm dogs before the week is out. That will be a hoot for these two couch potatoes. One conciliation for the city boys though, the bunkhouse is air conditioned and has a TV.
    In case you missed it here is the link to Camp Canine. Maybe Duke and Freckles will soon have their photos up on this site.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    gald to hear they passed the test, wow, that place is awesome. my brother used to take his dogs to a place like that, and they were in no hurry to go home when they wnet to pick them up. Duke are Freckles will be totally spoiled

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