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I am getting a chavachon

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by traceyd, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. traceyd

    traceyd New Member

    Hi, I am getting a new chavachon (chaviler king charles and bischon mix). Anyone else out there have one? Any advice? Any idea on how big they get? Thanks Tracey [/img]
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    they can be the size of a king charles or the size of a bischon. or anywhere in between. With mixed breed dogs there is no way of knowing how it will be at all. It is the same as getting a dog from the pound, except you know its parents.
  3. traceyd

    traceyd New Member

    Thanks. the mom is about 11 and the dad is about 16lbs. I just got confimration that I am getting her next Friday. I am so excited!
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If you're paying more than $50 for this puppy, be sure you get a health guarantee and have a vet give her a complete check up ASAP. Both of those breeds are known to have some serious health issues, including heart problems that will significantly decrease their life expectancy.

    Also, I know you're eager to get your puppy, but if she's less than 8 weeks old, ask the breeder to hold her for you until she's at least that age. 12 weeks would be even better.
  5. traceyd

    traceyd New Member

    Yes my new doggie comes with a full guarantee. I have been in constant touch with the breeder. My doggie is going to be a little over 8 weeks old. Tracey
  6. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Congrat on the new puppy. I have no experience with Cavachon, although I did want to get one in the past. I have two CKCS though. They came from different breeders. One came at age of 10 weeks, and the other came at 8 weeks. Bella is the little tri-color girl that came at 8 weeks old, and she had some behavior issues in which she could have done better if she stayed with her mom and littermates longer. Chobby came at age of 10 weeks, and he already had a better manner. If I knew this before, I would ask the breeder to hold Bella one or two weeks longer. Just a thought.

    Cavaliers are wonderful, adorable dogs, and I believe that your new puppy will inherit the wonderful traits from the breed. I think your puppy will weigh somewhere between the mom's and the dad's weight.

    Like Shineillusion said, these two breeds are prone to a number of health problems. To name a few, heart murmur, luxating patella, hip dysplasia, eye issues,...

    Don't forget to post the little beauty's picture here when she arrives.
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    dogglover, was it chobby who had health problems? Or ami I getting him confused with someone else?
  8. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Good memory, lil96. Yes, Chobby has very bad hip dysplasia. :cry:
    Even though he is not in pain most of the time, his exercise is strictly limited. I will schedule the his hip surgery (FHO) at the end of this year. It's going to be costly and painful.
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    poor little guy :( I hope it helps him.
  10. traceyd

    traceyd New Member

    thanks for the advice doglover

    Thanks for the tips. I have already finalized Molly's flight so She will be alomst 9 weeks old (actualy 8 weeks and 5 days old) when I get her. She weights about 4lbs. I will post a pic when I get her. :)

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