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pregnant plattys and pregnant guppys

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by kay, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. kay

    kay New Member

    help i have 2 pregnant plattys i dont know how long they have been pregnant for, i have had them for 3 weeks but they look like they are about to pop (they are that big there skin has gone white instead of being red) dose anyone know what they will do as there get ready to give birth i also have 2 pregnant guppys there gravid spot is black and there very fat also all the outher fish r following them around mianly the male guppys dose anyone know what they do before giveing birth, this is my first tropical fish tank so i dont realy have a clue. thank you kay :?:
  2. porsche

    porsche New Member

    for the guppies if you look from the back at the gravid spot, as the time gets closer to release the babies, her gravid spot will become a box. You can then seperate them into a another tank or a breeding box. The others who chase them around is usually a good thing for them if they have babies as it makes the process of birth easier, dont know why.

    hope this helps
  3. kay

    kay New Member

    thanks for that info

    thanks for that info but do you mean that it will just look square or it will stick out in a square shap sorry a bit thick on this subject
  4. porsche

    porsche New Member

    now if you look at her gravid spot it is in the shape of a circle/oval, as time for birth comes neaer, it will form into the sahpe of a box.
  5. kay

    kay New Member

    pregnant guppies and plattys

    thanks for that i just had a look and it is square on one of them but she is not doing anything eles i read they do she is still very active and is eating alot swimming around all over the tank do you still think i should put her in the breeding trap r leave it for a bit (i would post a pic of her but i dont know how).

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