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Help! My new puppy is sick!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by meghan_m_25, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    Ok. Last night I got this puppy. She's a terrier/ husky mix and is turning 8 weeks on Sunday. Last night she had dihreaa and she still has it and it is getting a lot worse and now she is throwing up only about 4 times in the last hour and it just looks like spit. I read that you can give a dog a tsp. of Pepto bismol per 5 lbs so I gave her half hat because shes like 3 lbs. The woman I got her from gave us a list of everything she was being fed. Last night she was really late getting her supper would tht do it? and her stomach is making the noises that ours makes when we are hungry. Last night she slept in a kennel and she only went to the bathroom once and she got it everywhere inside! and she was up all night whining and barking. So any tips on kennel training??
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    It sounds like this puppy needs to see a vet ASAP, if nothing else just to get something to stop the diarrhea if its as bad as you say it is, puppies can become dehydrated fast, within a few hours and that in itself can be fatal. It could just be down to stress with going to a new home, food change etc but any time a puppy has V and D you should have a parvo test done, fecal test done and a thorough exam by a vet.

    Just a tip, IF this is parvo, with what your describing right now giving it some pepto wont do any good. If it isnt parvo....its better to not take any chances.
  3. someday

    someday New Member

    Has she had any vaccinations?...Did you change foods from what she was being fed? this sounds pretty serious. I would take her to a vet asap.
  4. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    No she has the same food and everything. Purina puppy chow. She's been dewormed once and she needs her needles by Sept 15. How often do I get her dewormed. The woman wrote everything down and she said repeat when needled. Now we just found tick on her but it wasn't there very long. I called the woman who we got her from and she wasn't home but her friend said that it sounds like she has worms. What else can I use to stop the dihreaa? she's only vomited a few times and it just looks like a pile of spit.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Does she still have an appetite??? Is she still drinking??
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Well, how did you make out? Did you take your pup to the vets?
    What was the outcome?
    I hope everything is going well.
    A good tip, when in doubt, ALWAYS FIRST call your vets office for informative info.
    Sometimes if you wait and it is a conditon that needs medical attention, you are wasting valuable time.
    Good luck to you and your pup!
  7. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Your Guide to Common Puppy Illnesses
    by: PetPlace Staff

    Puppies as so full of energy, it is difficult to think they could ever get sick. But with repeated exposures to various bacteria, viruses and parasites, sometimes a puppy’s curiosity and immature immune system can do them in. If you have a puppy now or plan to get one, this article will help you prepare and keep your pooch healthy.

    Vomiting. At one time or another your dog may have a bout of vomiting. Usually he’ll have eaten something disagreeable, eaten too much or too fast, exercised too soon after eating or any number of non-serious conditions. Vomiting may be a sign of a very minor problem. Or it may be a sign of something very serious.

    Diarrhea. Acute diarrhea is one of the most common clinical problems seen in veterinary practice. It is characterized by sudden onset and short duration (three weeks or less) of watery or watery-mucoid diarrhea that may be overtly bloody in severe cases. Diarrhea results from excessive fecal water content and is the most important sign of intestinal disease in the dog.

    Parvo. Parvo is a virus causing severe infection in puppies and dogs. It invades and destroys rapidly growing cells in the intestine, bone marrow and lymphoid tissue resulting in nausea, vomiting and severe hemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhea. The disease can vary from mild to fatal if not properly treated.

    Tracheobronchitis. You might think your dog has something stuck in his throat. The cough associated with acute infectious tracheobronchitis, (ITB) or kennel cough, is a high-pitched, honk-like cough, sometimes followed by retching. It's a highly contagious inflammation of the trachea (windpipe) and bronchial tree and is associated most often with dogs housed in a high-density population or boarding kennel.

    Coughing. Coughing is a common protective reflex that clears secretions or foreign matter from the throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea) or airways, and protects the lungs against aspiration.

    Ear mites. If you see your dog shaking his head and scratching his ears excessively, or if there is an abnormal odor emanating from his ears, he may be suffering from ear mites. Ear mites are tiny crab-like parasites that live in the ear canals and head of dogs, and sometimes their bodies. Imagine thousands of these tiny insects crawling around in your dog’s ears.

    Demodectic mange. Demodicosis, or red mange, is a common skin disease of dogs caused by a microscopic mite called demodex canis. Why some dogs develop demodicosis and others don’t is not understood. It is thought to be genetic; affected dogs have an immune system defect that may be inherited, making it difficult to keep the mites under control.

    Sarcoptes. Sarcoptic mange (also known as scabies) is a highly contagious parasitic disease caused by a microscopic mite called Sarcoptes scabiei that affects animals and people. These mites invade the skin of healthy dogs and puppies and create a variety of skin problems. Humans exposed to infested dogs commonly are affected.

    Panosteitis. Panosteitis is an inflammation involving various layers of the bones of young, growing dogs. This condition occurs spontaneously and ultimately resolves on its own. The exact cause of panosteitis is unknown, but the disease tends to occur in large and giant breed dogs between five to 12 months of age.

    General lameness. Any decrease in an animal's ability to bear weight on a limb or a decrease in the normal mobility and function of a limb can be considered lameness. Lameness can be extremely subtle or profound, affecting one limb or several limbs. It can be intermittent or constant, worse in the morning, worse at night, worse after rest, worse after or during exercise.

    Fractures. A fracture is a break or crack in a bone. Although we commonly think of fractures as involving a leg, it is also possible to fracture the skull, jaw, spine, ribs, pelvis and digits (fingers) as well as the long bones and small bones of the front and back limbs.

    By knowing what can happen and the potential illnesses and injuries associated with puppies, you can be a better prepared owner and may even have a healthier dog.
  8. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

  9. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    She is fine now. She had a really long nap then woke up and had some supper and shes doing great! The dihreaa stopped and the vomiting stopped. Now we just have to work on her housetraining and kennel training. I live in Nova Scotia and there has only ever been one case of heartworms and the dog came from Ontario. So thanks everyone for your help and conern.
  10. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    She is fine now. She had a really long nap then woke up and had some supper and shes doing great! The dihreaa stopped and the vomiting stopped. Now we just have to work on her housetraining and kennel training. I live in Nova Scotia and there has only ever been one case of heartworms and the dog came from Ontario. So thanks everyone for your help and conern.

    I'd post a picture but I don't know how :S
  11. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

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