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Help needed for 70 dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DeLaUK, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    This story was published a few weeks ago but the family still needs all the help they can get, its too long to post it all so Ive provided a link and part of the story.
    http://www.troubleshooterjudd.com/speak ... _cats.html

    Desert Dogs & Cats, Don't Kill Them.

    Editor's Note: The author of this article is concerned about the lives of 70 dogs and 22 cats that live with a family in the High Desert about 150 miles Northeast of Los Angeles. They live on a 20-acre piece of land in the desert. Many dogs and cats are dumped in the desert and this is their last possible home.

    Mickey Stovall and his family live on 20 acres along Hwy 58, 15 miles west of Barstow, Ca. Over the past 20 years, in this rural area where lost stray dogs, abandoned or neglected by their owners, roam the landscape trying to find a scent trail home to food, water- and that peculiar and powerful companionship which has developed between mankind and Dog, the Stovall's have accumulated some 70 dogs, 22 cats, and some donkeys.
    I have to say that Ive been watching the story in a High Desert forum and while I understand that this is a lot of animals for a family to care for its not much different than any no kill shelter, in fact Id say it may be better than some no kill shelters Ive seen. The pets were all examined by vets and by San Bernadino Animal Control, all the pets are healthy, well fed, well cared for, socialized and friendly....so...they must be doing something right.
    They need homes (if county takes them they will most likely be euthanized within a few days as they dont have the space), they also need legal advice etc....personally the way I see it is the family are providing a service to the community, this area is a common 'dump' site for 'throw away' pets from the LA area, every month there are complaints about strays and feral dogs attacking and killing livestock and family pets, causing accidents on the 15 freeway etc...Im thinking the county should not only GIVE the guy his permit but pay for the food as well. (he has to get the number of dogs down to just 4 or 5 and then the county will sell him a permit to keep 70 dogs!!!! )...in the meantime the fines are mounting up....hmmmmm!!
    Animal Attorney's, No-kill Shelter Owners, and Deep Thinkers are Welcome. [Mickey Stovall can be reached at (760) 253-3119]
    The County Animal Control Department does not have a big enough facility to take in the 70 dogs and 22 cats, so they will have to kill them.

    Filed Aug.19, 2005
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Just got an update for today....if anyone has any experience with legal issues in California concerning kennel permits or anything and has some time and wants to do something pro bono....or has dealt with soemthing like this before themselves and can offer advice...anything at all.....thanks.

    This update was from someone trying to help the family.....

    "I just talked to Mr. Stovall and what a nice man he is. I asked him what he needed.

    He said, he needs someone that can help him with the paper work it will take to keep the dogs. The right paper work and someone to walk him through this. I say a lawyer. Where can I find one who will help him?????

    He said, the Judge did come out and is coming again. There is a stay at this time for the dogs but not for long. The Judge will have to go by the law in the end. We all know that.

    Weird thing is, stupid thing I mean. He has to get rid of the dogs first before they will give him the permit. Right!!!!! That make alot of sense."

    Thanks for reading this.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    i feel sorry for him. I hope they can either finds temp homes. If they know 14 families who could take in 5 dogs a piece??? But that is a lot of animals!!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Theyve got kind of a temporary stay for a couple of weeks from the judge but still are desperate for anyone with some good legal advice (the have a lot of paperwork they need to get through), mainly to try and get the permit before they have to 'get rid of' the dogs, I think that is whats really infuriating people, they can have the permit for 70 dogs....but theyve got to get down to 4 or 5 first and then start rescuing dogs again !!!!!! I know there are county laws that have to be carried out BUT I think this is one of those laws that could be 'bent' a little if the price was right.....Its all about the money.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    People are so stupid. Why do they bother this guy and leave all the puppy mills alone?!

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