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How can I socialize my dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by DMikeM, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I need a way to test and or get my dogs socialized so they are less of a threat to other animals. All 3 seem to hate other dogs and want to go after them but I have never had them close enough to any dog that is not family to see what they would do. I am afraid that they would try to hurt any dog that got close enough to test them with. With Dowsers jaw's that could be fatal to even a medium or large dog and pretty damaging from Duncan as well.
    Pepsi is old but not so old she couldn't harm another dog but she passes out if she over exerts herself so she would be the one getting hurt.
    I know it would have to be done one at a time so as to break the pack mentality, but what if they got out together is my greatest fear.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    hmmm, I am not sure on this one, Jake my lab wouldnt hurt a flea, but when he approaches any dog or person, his hair goes up on his back making him looks like he is going to attack. and its really scary for dogs or people on the recieving to see this. Sometimes I am afraid this action will cause a dog to attack him., or who knows what a person would do.

    I think you should be concerned if they were to get out together and one starts something and the the others feel they need to follow those actions.

    a few years back I went to walk my dogs, and got out on the sidewalk and started down the street, I noticed my neighbors black lab mix coming at me, who was known to be viscous, along with it was their Akita, so I run b up in my front lawn but its a hill, and I fall and the black dog is trying to bite me, my dogs are behind me and I am on the ground kicking and screaming, the Akita is behind the black dog barking and snarling, I think trying to decide if he is going to get in the thick of it, I am screaming bloody murder for someone to help, but nothing, I finally got a good kick in the black dogs head the the dogs ran away,

    the story behind this is, whenever that black dog was out, he would automattically start a fight with dogs, I witnessed him get a hold of someones shitszu while they were walking it. The people had the Akita before and would get out and I would puut in their yard and he never made an attempt to go after my dogs if I walked by him, I think it was the pack thing of why he was trying to join in when the black dog attacked me. luckily I wasnt hurt

    I wonder if you do a socialtization with another dog one on one , and then get the 3 of them together.

    Jimiya and delauk probably have some good advice on this one, I would seek trainers that specialize in this so can get a handle on this so it wont become a problem
  3. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    OMG your dogs did nothing?

    There is a giant Malamute that lives near our house that is often free to roam. I was walking all three of my dogs past his house and he charged at us . My dogs got right in front of me and braced down showing teeth and hackles but not one bark. That Malamute stopped about 20 feet from us and backed away with his tail down. He has never charged us since that day.

    Maybe it's a good thing your dogs held back, Akitas are formidable animals. I hope you were not hurt.

    I think if I can get them around other dogs alone first then together I can get them used to other dogs. But right now I am just afraid it would be "Bit now sniff tail later"
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I think the one on one greetings on neutral territory would be a good start. Preferably with an unfamiliar dog that has been well socialized and is good with other dogs. Maybe you could enlist the help of a trainer to ensure that neither dog gets hurt during the greetings.
    If your dogs are really reactive just upon the sight of another dog even on neutral ground you may have to use desensitization and counterconditioning. Again, I think a trainer would be beneficial in achieving this.
    You might also find Jean Donaldson's book "Fight!" helpful.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would also find a good positive trainer - one that doesn't do alpha rolls or leash popping or any of that stuff. Jean Donaldson has some very good books that describe the counterconditioning and desensitization process, and so does Patricia McConnell who wrote "Feisty Fido" and "Cautious Canine". Maisey has also done a lot of work with Witt on getting him less reactive to other dogs. She posted about it here: http://www.auspet.com/forum/about10775.html&highlight=witt
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    You have a problem that must be addressed as in most states you are liable for any harm your dogs might do to other animals or people. I highly recommend that you locate a trainer that specializes in working with aggressive dogs. Here in Houston there are many that list that speciality in the yellow pages under dog training or obedience. Hopefully you can locate a trainer to work with your dogs.
    You do not feel you can allow your dogs off leash to try to meet other dogs but this, in a lot of cases, actually creates an added level of aggression because
    they are on a leash. Aggression is reduced at dog parks for two main reasons, neutral territory and no leash constraint. A leashed dog that is approached by one or more off leash dogs becomes very defensive and aggressive.
    I really do hope you can locate a trainer. I will make a better and safer life for both you and your dogs.
    Good luck and keep us posted.

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