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New Orleans Aftermath Update

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    There has been no word from my brother for the last 24 hours so I guess all communication is down. I am sure he is still working at the hospital to evacuate the patients. Hopefully he will show up soon at my brother's home in Baton Rouge.
    Also, all of those thousands of people that sought refuge in the Superdome will soon be on their way to Houston and moved into the vacant Astrodome. The first busses are to begin arriving this evening. At least here they will have lights, air conditioning, water, food, and toilets. It may be weeks before they can go home to whatever's left.
    Our local SPCA is also receiving animals from New Orleans. There are calls out for volunteers to assist both people in shelters and help at the kennels. We will see where we could help out. The red cross has the people covered but the SPCA is on it's own so we may try to foster or help out at the shelter.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is so nerve wracking you cant cant contact loved ones, but at least you know he is safe.

    the animal shelters also have to be overwhelmed. I saw this morning a man all the way from MD going down with his horse trailers to help.

    I signed up here for emergency foster since we are in an area prone to fires, but have never been called.

    How far is Houston from NO?
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is so sad. I hope you get in touch with your broter soon. I guess the people will be glad to be in a better dome. I wish I could help all the people and their animals too, i don't think I could ever part with dale or luther in those circumstances.
    when I went from houston to no, it took about 4 hours.
  4. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    This whole thing is just depressing me. Usually I don't get emotional at all for situations like this, but for some reason, this is getting to me. I just love New Orleans so I guess that is why. I was always planning to move back there, I was looking at houses there a few months ago but decided to stay here (SC) a few more yrs b/c of financial situations. Anyways, it is just so sad. I can't believe some of those pictures. Like the I-10 bridge - that was a huge bridge. I can't imagine it knocked it down. I drove over that bridge. It is just so unreal. I heard it would be months before they would open the city back up. Hurricanes here (east coast) are so different. It is mostly wind damage that is the problem. Once the hurricane is gone, you can go back and you may have debris or whatnot in your yard and your windows may be busted, but nothing like what has happened in miss. and la.

    I believe Houston to No is 350 miles or so. But with the roads and everything so damaged...and the amount of people they have to get out - who knows? Those ppl can't possibly stay in the astrodome for weeks or months. I know all the hotels are full - and even if they could find someplace most of those ppl don't have the money.

    I'm getting even more anxious here b/c the gas jumped like 40 cents and everyone is at the stations buying it all up...a lot of hte stations here are out of gas. I don't know whether I should go wait in line or what? I feel so bad for all those ppl living in that area. Even the places that didn't get damaged are getting all the refugees, and I bet all their food and gas is being bought up.
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    My brother and his family made it out of New Orleans yesterday and are now at my brother's home in Baton Rouge.
    The water has finally stopped flowing into New Orleans so now plans can be made to first restore power to the pumps that drain the city. Estimates range from two to six weeks to complete the drain down. Then power, water, and sewer have to be restored before people can even think about returning.
    The horror stories are only beginning I'm afraid as rescuers gain more access they will begin to recover the bodies of victims that were trapped in attics. People that are refusing to leave even now will be subjected to all sorts of deadly diseases that are developing in that stagnant contaminated water.
    This morning the Houston SPCA received another 300 animals as have most other shelters that are located out of the devastated area.
    The rest of this horrible story will unfold in the days and weeks ahead.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Dukesdad, glad to hear your brother and family made it out safely.

    I just donated to the houston SPCA,

    luckily I havent seen the video clips of people being rescued on rooftops and they have to leave the pets behind, I am crying just thinking about it.

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    ACK!! I hadn't heard that about being rescued on the roof and leaving the pets. I'm not sure I could do it. My husband would probably have to pry me off them. I might just send him and the kids ahead. But how would I get food....it's too horrible to think about. The animals would think we were just abandoning them, which we would be! How terrible. I am going to have nightmares now.
  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    thanks for he uplifting pic, its the rescueers sent out leaving them behind, I think the locals that have the boats are letting people bring their pets,

    I think I would take my chances and wait until someone would pick me up that would take my dogs.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm with you, honeybears. I think I would send my husband and kids with the first rescuer that came and then wait it out with the animals for the next.
  11. jay

    jay New Member

    You would not believe what is going on here. The animals you see looting on tv, have made there way to St.Bernard Parish trying to loot, my family went to a red cross shelter in Baton Rouge, where they were turned away because of violence. They are stealing cars from people in Baton Rouge. Contruction equipment has been stolen uptown and they are knocking donw house to loot. I received a text message from my friend who is a fireman and he was shot at trying to put out the fire. It is unreal. I left baton rouge and am now in pensacola, it took me 15 hrs. Gas lines have hundreds of cars in them. The police and fireman are getting no help, especially in surrounding New Orleans areas. All they are worried about is trying to help people in neworleans who are trying to kill them when they get there. Thousands are missing, including some of my family. My friend is in St.Bernard saving people with a boat, he said some went to New Orleans to save people and were robbed of there boat. He even said some are refusing to leave. I don't believe some want help. And know the violence has extended 80 miles west to Baton Rouge. It is crazy that in a time like this people a killing each other.
  12. jay

    jay New Member

    Also, where is the help from the president, we can get our people to other countries to help in hours, but can't help our own country. He may say in his pres conference that help is on the way, but talk to cop or fireman who has been working for 100 hrs straight with no food.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh, the President? He had to cut his month-long vacation short by two days to respond to this crisis. Poor guy! :-({|=

    Heck, most of the National Guard has been mobilized and sent to Iraq! The paper says 28,000 have been sent to help with the hurricane which is the largest military aid for a natural disaster ever - maybe they are still on the way??

    I think the looting is terrible. At least in 9-11 the people of NY pulled together and helped each other. I can't even imagine stealing guns and shooting people. What the heck is wrong with them? They should be arrested and sent to jail without a trial - martial law or somesuch.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Jay, that is horrible, glad to hear you made it out of there, I hope the rest of your family is safe.

    "Also, where is the help from the president, we can get our people to other countries to help in hours, but can't help our own country. He may say in his pres conference that help is on the way, but talk to cop or fireman who has been working for 100 hrs straight with no food"

    I agree and dont understand how it got this far. the news said yesterday troops that were in the southern states that could be deployed asap. I saw Bush this morning on GMA and just did a song and dance, troops should have been day 2 days ago.

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