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H E L P !

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by I_Miss_Baz, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Ok...everybody remember the kitty with the ringworm test that was negative??

    Well, my husband and I both have it now, as well as one of our other cats..the one that he wrestles with all the time. We found this after Alice was brought home. Unfortunately, I've quarantined my kitties, Alice was already in a separate room until she sees the vet. My house is quiet and I hate it. I hate not having them underfoot and on my lap. But I don't want my kids to get it.

    Now the questions...what do I have to do to get rid of it?? Altogether, we have 6 cats and one dog and two kids. I'm just beside myself about this and how to go about getting rid of it. I know it's hard to get rid of ..

    Next question...since his test was negative, does that mean he's a carrier?? And if he is, is there any way to get rid of it??

    What do I need to get for the house? Will just washing the clothes and towels get rid of it? What about my carpet?

    And can I go ahead and treat the ones that have no signs yet or do I have to wait until they show signs??

    All help is greatly appreciated!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  3. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Those are links that I haven't seen yet. I've read them and printed them out.

    Unfortunately, I have to wait until tomorrow to call the vet as it is a holiday here.

    Thank you!
  4. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Hi, Sorry to hear about your ringworm problems! I took in 2 kittens 10 years ago who had ringworm, didn't know it was ringworm straight away but 2 weeks after having them in the house we knew.

    At the time we had 3 other cats who managed to get away with catching it, but I got it and so did my brother, mum & dad, I was covered in it!

    We got medication from the vet for the kittens and cream from the doctor for us, I think that was all the medication it took to get rid of it. The doctor advised that we quarantined ourselves in our home until it was gone (I don't know if thats needed but my brother and I were still in school at the time so this might have had something to do with it).

    While we were quarantined we washed all the clothers/bedding/towels, didn't wash the carpets. At the time we weren't told it was hard to get rid of and to be honest it wasn't hard to get rid of in this case.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    My fathers cat had ringworm a while ago, and they got this special shampoo to use on him. And they also got some medicine for themselves (can't remember what) I think that's all they did to get rid of it...
  6. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    For you to treat the ringworm, you use Lamisil AT from any store. Its used to treat athletes foot and ringworm. I just had ringworm this summer and thats what my doctor prescribed. Its a cream you apply twice a day. It should go away in a couple weeks. I'm not sure what you give animals with it so ask your vet. Maybe they can use it too
  7. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Thanks for all of your replies.

    Update....ok, so all of the cats have been groomed (it was suggested that they be shaved because they are longhair with the exception of Alice) and bathed in a fungal shampoo. THe vet also sent them home on oral medication. Hopefully this will get rid of it as I don't want to go through this again.

    It's killing me to have them quarantined but I don't have much choice as I don't want my kids to get it.

    Depending on who (a couple of vets included and one human physician) you talk to, it's a huge deal or it's not that big of a deal at all, and it's driving me insane trying to make sure I get everything cleaned so I don't get a reinfection of this. Maybe I'm just being paraniod, and I'm the one that's gonna end up medicated before it's all over and done with.

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