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help the shelters that

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Mary, I cant get it to to open, I went to HSUS site and they have accepting too
  3. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    I wanted to relay something positive amidst the negative reports we are hearing on the news.

    Those who know me on this board know that I have a Catahoula mix. Witt, and that I am involved in some Catahoula forums and rescue. There are three boards I go to on a regular basis. The rescue board, and two separate boards that are owned by Catahoula breeders. One of the boards is very much like a family. It has amazed me since the day I found it. People are supportive, kind and so willing to offer advice and smiles. Pictures are posted not just of their dogs...but of their families. Many of us have met each other and formed real life friendships. It is an amazing group of people.
    The full name of the breed is "Louisianna Catahoula Leopard Cur", it is the state dog of Louisianna...so you can imagine that many of the people on the board reside in that area so devastated by Katrina. One man on the board who lives in LA, fared pretty well with little damage, when the storm passed he immediately started worrying about other Catahoula people. A network of people calling and keeping track of who needed what where and who hadn't been heard from began. He started buying dog food and supplies with his own money with the intention of delivering them. The group started sending money to him wanting to help with supplies...we raised over $1,700 in less than two days. He purchased food, water, gas, infant supplies, dog food, ice and other basics. The group was able to gather up quite a few generators and chainsaws. Another member who works on a crew who was being sent in to restore power was given permission by his empoyer to carry in supplies as well. They were able to get to many people more inland, where help has not arrived yet and probaly won't for a long while. Most attention has been given to Biloxi and NO..the more coastal areas, the outlying areas are left to their own. They returned with news of who they were able to contact and their condition and immediately started gathering for another trip for those still not heard from. They are working with another man from a group called Global Impact as well... http://www.globalimpact.info/synapse/ho ... willgo.com

    They know that Washington Parish Fairgrounds is taking in animals and is in desperate need of food and will be attempting to deliver some this weekend. They also know that animal rescue in Lafayette is in desperate need of help and are giving the remaining $195 of the money we raised to them. We are still raising money for more supplies and this team of people will continue to make deliveries as long as is needed.
    I had an idea and asked my boss about it...I work in a small pet supply shop...she agreed to order dog food (and other pet foods) at wholesale prices and drop ship them to the team so that they can make the most of the donated funds. She is also trying to get the supply company to donate drop shiping or food or both.
    Those of us far away and unable to physically do anything are very comforted knowing where our donations are going and getting reports back on the welfare of people we both know and don't know. We are NOT getting all of the truth on the news and help is very slow in coming from the federal government. News reporters either cannot get into the areas more inland or don't wish to due to lack of facilities for them. People in those areas have not seen any help thus far unless it came from citizens trying to do their part.
    With all the anger and bad we are hearing on the news, it feels very good to KNOW that the littlest of people are jumping in and doing what needs to be done without hesitation. I thought I would share so other may know the same.

    PS. The other two boards I go to...Catahoula Rescue, has donated to our fund and are offering services as well as doing thier own fund raising. The other board has raised over $2,000 in the last week and also have a team of people making contact and providing supplies to those in need. IT IS AMAZING WHAT CAN BE DONE WHEN WE WORK TOGETHER.
  4. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here are some more links:

    Noah's Wish (http://www.noahswish.org/):From the website: Noah's Wish is a not-for-profit, animal welfare organization, with a straightforward mission. We exist to keep animals alive during disasters. That's it.

    Hopeful Haven (http://www.hopefulhaven.com/): From the website: Specifically, Hopeful Haven Equine Rescue Organization, Inc. is an Equine Rescue Organization for unwanted, neglected and abused horses. This organization is heavily involved in the hurricane rescue efforts for horses.

    American Humane Association(http://www.americanhumane.org/site/PageServer):From the website: The mission of the American Humane Association, as a network of individuals and organizations, is to prevent cruelty, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children and animals and to assure that their interests and well-being are fully, effectively, and humanely guaranteed by an aware and caring society.

    ASPCA (http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=hurricane_home): The ASPCA's hurricane relief website pages have critical information regarding the rescue efforts and finding lost animals.

    Dr. Suzanne Boucher. This was passed on to me: A veterinarian, Dr. Susie Boucher is utilizing her own clinic, her own money, and her own employees to house 50+ animals in Baton Rouge. So if you are near Baton Rouge, please consider helping at Dr. Boucher's clinic. She needs volunteers and supplies. For those of us who wish to help from afar, Margaret asked that you order supplies from catalogs and simply have them shipped directly to Dr. Boucher's clinic.

    15225 Jefferson Highway
    Baton Rouge, LA 70817

    I can't stand to look at the photos of the animals. I hate thinking of their little confused, scared faces. I know I should be worried more about the people, but the animals have no idea what is going on. Their world changed and their people are gone and they are lost and confused and scared. It makes me cry. :cry:
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I drove over to the Houston SPCA with a trunk load of food yesterday. The response here in Houston has been great. There was line of cars backed up witing to unload. Volunteers were assembling all of the food and supplies onto pallets that were being loaded onto trucks to ship out to other shelters. Maybe a few of the pets that were left behind will eventually be reunited with their families.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its amazing what people can do when they open their hearts and get together.

    Eddie Drawbeck an awsome nautral trimmer has agreed to donate his services of trimming all the horses that come in from the affected area's.

    we've got a team of people here that have agree'd to do all veterinary work for the animals affected as well.

    I'll be taking a truck load and trailer load of hay, feed, supplies to Louisianna in the next week.
    Again if anyone wishes to donate, email me or give me a call and I'll get you the Paypal or adress info!!
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Maisey, thanks for posting on the positive side

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