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I'm new - and sooo glad I found you guys...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by shnen, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. shnen

    shnen New Member


    I am a "most of the time" happy cat owner. I have 2 cats, Serendipity and Cinnamon.

    Serendipity we have had since she was able to leave her mother, she is 2.5 years old, has all her shots and is fixed. Initially we had some training issues, but she had been very good for quite some time.

    Cinnamon is 2 years old, and we adopted her from a cat rescue, she also has had all her shots and is fixed.

    They had a bit of a hard time adjusting - Cinnamon took very well. but Serendipity had issues sharing her space, and her mommy and daddy.
    Cinnamon has always allowed Serendipity to be the dominant one, and they now play and sleep together - at least within a few feet! (we thought that would never happen!)

    the past few months has indeed been trying. I keep going to the basement to find they are peeing everywhere. I am at my wits end, and have no clue why. They have a litter upstars and 2 downstairs and they continue to do this.

    Please help - I don't know what to do, and what to do when I catch them. They know it's wrong because they hide whenever they hear me go downstairs.

    They do use the litters sometimes - and soemtimes very well - but then they just start up again and I am at a complete loss - I am ready to get rid of both of them!

  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    =P~ Hi Shnen and welcome to the forums! Sorry you're having issues with Serendipity and Cinnamon. There is a really good site full of information on litterbox issues:


    Scroll down near the bottom for all the articles on litterbox problems.

    We would love to see pictures of them, if you get a chance!
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    first you need to rule out whether it's a medical problem such as urinary tract infections - which would be strange seeing as how it's both of them.
    Are they declawed? Sometimes declawed cats will associate litterboxes with the pain from the declaw and not want to use them.
    Did you change litter at all?
    You will have to completely get rid of the smell in the spots they are peeing - some good products on the market for that. Even if you can't smell it they might still be able to.
  4. shnen

    shnen New Member

    no - they both are perfectly healthy, have been to a vet. I do not believe in declawing - so that's not an issue. I clean their litters at least 3 times a week, and 2 cats, 3 litters cleaned 3 times a week- very clean litter!

    I clean up where they pee - and they choose a new spot... it seems they pee ON stuff. Any rugs I had in the basement are now in the garbage - or outside.

    Thanks for the link! I will be sure to check it out!

    Also - where and how do I post pictures? I have a ton of them (like any good mommy) ;)
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    To post pictures (from Chessmind's post):

    1) Go to http://www.snapfish.com (it's free).

    2) Upload your pics.

    3) Right click on the pic and then click on "properties" and copy the URL address.

    4) Paste the URL address with the "img" tags. You can either click on the "img" tags above or you can type it in. It should look like this:


    5) Then click submit.

    If you have any trouble let me know.
  6. shnen

    shnen New Member

    ok - here it goes! This is Cinnamon - She's a Lynx poitn Siamese - can you believe someone didn't want her?

    ok - that didn't work - so heres a link to my yahoo album....
    http://ca.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/shnenz ... pg&.src=ph

    you can see my boyfriend - otherwise known as pookie - in one of them...
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    They are gorgeous! I love Serendipity's face and colour.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I foster for Siamese Rescue...so I know first hand the answer to your question "can you believe no one wanted her?"
    unfortunately there are too many no one wants - and sad
    She's gorgeous....obviously I'm a meezer adorer
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Welcome to the Board. Very cute kitties.

    Hope you find an answer to your dilemna. Sounds like some good advice above. Best of luck.

    Love seeing pictures. :)
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Just wanted to welcome you and your kitties to Auspet. :D
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum! Your cats are beautiful. :D
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Just wanted to say welcome and that your kitties are beautiful! And would also like to comisserate with you regarding peeing out of the box! My big male inappropriately pees too and that site they gave you is very helpful.

    I know that you say that they are both healthy, but are you SURE they don't have an UTI or crystals? Both of my cats recently developed a problem when I switched them to what I thought was a high quality food. Or it could be that one of your cats has an issue and the other is just following and marking.

    On the clean box issue, I scoop my boxes twice a day but if there are clumps in there, my male will just keep on going and find somewhere else. And I absolutely cannot have any throw rugs. He pees on them all. And then pees where they were.

    Good Luck! It's a constant battle at my house.
  14. shnen

    shnen New Member

    thank you for your compliments, and for your advice and sharing your pains!

    I love my cats soooo much - they provide such an amount of love and joy into our lives... I hope we can figure something out - if I do - I will be sure to let you guys know!

    Now to cruise the rest of the posts ;)
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Your furkids are gorgeous. I love the pic of the Buddha on top of Cinnamon! :mrgreen:
  16. shnen

    shnen New Member

    Thanks for all the kitty-compliments... tho I won't pass them along - they already KNOW they are cute... ;)

    I actually took the buddha picture to submit to http://www.stuffonmycat.com

    We will see if it shows up - it's pretty amazing what they can put on their cats!

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