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Is this a broken tail??

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by qwertyhimself, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Today when I came home my dog was acting funny and seemed to be avoiding me. I finally noticed that she wasnt wagging her tail, or even moving it really. It just dangles down when she runs or walks and she cant seem to lift it. I cant think of anything that would have caused this. She does whine if I try to lift the tail up on my own. Could this mean its broken?
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would guess maybe an anal sac problem. ?? My dogs will tuck their tail real tight if they are having problems there and they think I am going to espress them.

    OR, has your dog ever had any back problems?
  3. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Hmmm, well I don't really know anything about those. She hasnt had any back problems before. The thing is, is that she does not wag her tail or move it AT ALL, its almost as if someone turned it off or somthing. When she runs it just flops from side to side. Could she have slept on it bad or somthing...???

    Thanks allot
  4. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    could that have anything to do with being in heat. Like she is covering herself so she doesn't get mated with? I dunno but that comes to my mind for some reason, which may not be logical because usually the express them selves MORE when in heat not cover them selves up...
  5. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Hmm, no she has been fixed so I guess that isnt it? Does anyone know if any "tail injury" web pages or anything help related article that I could see? Thanks again
  6. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

  7. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    You dog may have sprained his tail. This happened to my friend's dog. You need to take him to the Vet because it can be painful.
  8. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Her tails seems to be gradually improving. She wags it a little bit now when she is excited and will lift it every so often. However, now she seems to have somthing wrong with her eye. Her eye is bloodshot and is running a slight bit, Im not sure if this is related to her tail injury but it does look suspicious...:-(
  9. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    hmm.. sounds pretty weird, I would go see a vet or at least call to see if the two things are related... and if then don't improve, I would take her in...

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