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Any ideas on what kind of dog this is?!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Berezowski, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. Berezowski

    Berezowski New Member


    Last month I bought a dog off some man at the beach here in South Korea. I've named him Daewoo and he's a beautiful companion but I am interested in finding out what kind of breed he is so that I can more effectively train and discipline him.
    Does anyone have any clue to what kind of dog he is?

    This picture was taken two weeks ago and it is assumed that he's a bit over 2 months old.

  2. Berezowski

    Berezowski New Member

    ..opps, I don't think the picture link works.

    I just noticed that my picture link doesn't work. Please click onto my website/homepage to see Daewoo's picture.
    Any suggestions or thoughts on what kind of breed he is would be most helpful.

    Thanks again,
  3. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    OMGosh he is the cutest little guy!! I have no idea what breed he might be but he is CUTE!!! love him... my dogs are at these links if you want to see them Roxy (my Australian Shepherd)-http://www.dogster.com/?186644 and Bear (my chow/St. Bernard)- http://www.dogster.com/?186644 Hope you like them. Hope you find out your little guys breed, sorry I couldn't help, but I had to comment on how cute he is!! You must be new welcome, I'm Ashley. You'll learn a lot here... I have...

  4. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    I'll make a guess, but I am not so good at this with the little dogs.
    I am not familiar with breeds in Korea, but I think that the little dogs like Shi tzu, Maltese and Lhasa Apso are popular and I am guessing he has one of those in there. All of those breeds are popular for mixing as well. "Malti-Poo" "Shi-Poo" etc. Your pup doesn't seem to have the sort of smucsed in face like these breeds and that could be due to a cross or that it's a puppy.

    You can see some shi tzu's here, notice the tail up over the back and longer body like yours.


    You can see some Lhasa puppies here, look further down the page at the older puppies. Same tail and longer body. I always have trouble telling Lhasa's and Shi Tzu's apart.

    and the Maltese...

  5. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    Lhasa Apso, Shi Tzu mix? or one of those with POM? The nose color throws things off for this guy but it's the cutest small dog I have seen in a long time.

    I am a big dog person in general, but all dogs are special.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What a cute little guy!! Adorable!

    I would go by his personaltiy as far as training and discipline goes. That menas a whole lot more than breed anyway. Have you thought about clicker training and positive techniques? This works for any kind of dog.
  7. Leleanne

    Leleanne New Member

    THat looks almost identical to how my dog looked when we got him. Our dog is a shi tzu/lhasa apso mix. The only thing that throws me off is the nose and fur. I think maybe there is some maltese in him. He could just be a mix of many things. We have another dog that looks sort of like a scottish terrier but then he acts like a lab. So, you never know.
  8. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I have a shihpoo (shihtzu/poodle) mix... your adorable dog definitely has the "shihtzu"-ness! Definitely has that "tail" :) Perhaps a shihtzu/maltese mix??

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