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fruit as dog treats

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by tuttifrutti, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    hey! i haven't been here in a while. anyway, i want to use fruit as dog treats, and i know you can't use grapes or raisens (sp?), is there any other fruit that i can't use? i can't remember and don't want to give them something unless im absolutely sure they can eat it. right now they are limited to apples and carrots. snickers doesn't even like teh carrots, she just keeps responding to the training hoping i'll have something else:)
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    My dogs eat Apples, banana's, Oranges, Cucumber, Carrots, Brocolli.
    Well lets just say i do not think there is anything my dogs don't like,

    Wheni make a sunday roast i even make enough for the dogs aswell, They have had them for years and always look forward to a sunday lol

    If i have pasta, Rice They get it aswell

  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    awesome. thanks.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Heres a pretty extensive list of plant/fruit/food toxicities.
    The seeds of a lot of fruit are toxic but the fruit is okay. Ive been giving my own dogs 'bits' of fruit for as long as I can remember, apples, bananas....


    Mike, I do the same as you with the Sunday roast, my dogs usually get a small portion of almost everything. I had never heard of pancreatitis before I went to California....after everything I was told and after vets and dog owners telling me to strictly only feed 'dog food', no table scraps....ever....I wondered how most dogs I had or knew in UK ever survived past a year old :wink:
  5. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    thanks again. i've been trying to google all of this, but they only give me other people's products, and im looking for cheap, available treats, not something i have to have shipped from europe, lol.
  6. Leleanne

    Leleanne New Member

    I think it's a matter of opinion with some vets. My vet told me it was okay to feed my dog certain table scraps. He said as long as they were healthy for people and not toxic for dogs, it was okay. He said sometimes it is good for dogs to get scraps of meat as long as it is lean and very small amounts. He said most dog food is made from meat anyway.

    Then you can go somewhere else and someone will claim it is absolutely terrible to give dogs people food. Our dogs have iron stomachs and enjoy left over chicken and roast as well. So, we give it to them but only a little.

    My mother in law fed her dog everything. Even chocolate! (which I would never do) That dog lived for 17 years and was healthy until the last three years of it's life. I think all dogs are different.

    As for fruits, our dogs hate apples but they LOVE carrots. They also love bananas.

    *edited to add that I do not in any way advocate feeding dogs chocolate or anything under the sun. I was just relaying a story.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, since dogs are carnivores, I am glad your vet recognizes that dogs can eat meat. :lol:

    Mine are few raw bones and meat, plus organ meats. It's much healthier than kibble.

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