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Kennel cough vaccination question? 3 wk booster?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Saturday Maggie (finally named her!) went to the vet for what I thought was her last shot (parvo), the vet also gave her the kennel cough vaccine which was fine with me, but then she said that because there has been a major outbreak of kennel cough, the manufacturer is recommending a booster in 3 wks?! This annoyed me a little. Has anyone else heard of this?

    I don't know how "boosters" work but I know (or at least think) that dogs won't get kennel cough unless they are in a kennel-like situation so....if I don't plan on putting her in a kennel anytime soon, do I need to give her the "booster" or can I just wait until she is actually going to be in a kennel? I don't want to undo the work the first vaccine did but I don't want to give her another one if she doesn't need it?

    Other than that Maggie is super healthy - maybe a little too healthy. At 4 1/2 months she is a whopping 70 lbs - gained 20 this last 3 wks. She doesn't look chubby or anything - she's just solid. As opposed to Indy who looks a lot bigger than he actually is, Maggie looks smaller than she actually is!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Maggie is such a cute name, Jimyay and Deluak would be good at ansering this , but my opnion is no, if she is not going to be around other dogs and she wont be going to the vet again anytime soon.

    strange here, is some vets say its real bad here, they recommmend twice yearly shots and and other say no, once a year is fine.

    I have a been doing lot of reading on this and am mixed as to weather some dogs even need it, I mean if my dog is healthy, and not in the risk factors, like boarding, dog parks, showing, etc, because from what I read its like our coomon cold,/flue and that its a virus that has to run its coarse, and the dy do get better, so I dont know, woudl be interesting to hear other peoples take on it
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The vaccines for kennel cough that Im familiar with have not required a booster after 3 weeks, not even for puppies. Theres a lot of controversy over this vaccine and has been for years as to how effective it is, whether the SQ or intra-nasal is better.
    Ive usually only had most of my dogs vaccinated against this when theyve gone into boarding kennels and its been required except for my Whippet, she was prone to upper respiratory infections and would come down with kennel cough whenever there was a local outbreak, she hadnt been at a dog park, in kennels or at the hospitla with me, as far as I could figure there must have been other dogs passing it on through the fence, she ended up getting the vaccine 2-3 times a year, we moved out to a desert area (from LA) and she didnt get it anymore, URI's or the vaccine, she was fine for 5 years.

    There may be different vaccines with different protocols though for different areas :?
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Some of the foster people get their dogs vaccinated every 6 months for kennel cough. Most other people do it yearly if even that. I think a lot of people only do it if they are being boarded or groomed. I can't imagine Maggie would need it unless she was going to be boarded.

    I don't give kennel cough even when my dogs are boarded. I have had four fosters in my home now and I have taken my dogs through adoption events where they have come into contact with all the shelter dogs. We go to off-leash parks every week at least once. We go to agility classes every week and agility trials every couple months or so. There is an outbreak of kennel cough in our foster group right now. My dogs have yet to get it. *knocks on wood*

    I attribute that to their poison-free immune systems and species-appropriate diets. I am just waiting until I have been fostering for about a year and then I can go back to that first group who wouldn't let me foster so I can brag about my dogs not getting sick, LOL.

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